Karl's Corner - 08/14/2001
8/14/01 utter confusion
update from =rwa=: email is down. hold on to it for now until we've got it fixed. (picked a great time huh?) new news will still be posted here.
quote of the week: "...YEAH! we got a giraffe!" -Rivers, early afternoon Tuesday
...I'd like to be able to clear up all the recent speculation regarding Mikey, but the sad truth is things have only gotten more confusing in the last 24 hours. When I wrote the last report I was basically going on what we had been told by sources close to Mikey. The rest of the band has been trying to get more info all along, and by Tuesday morning had been told that Mikey would fly to LA in time to make the video shoot. Everyone was hoping they could get some better idea of what was going on once we could actually see Mikey, and the video could be shot as planned. However, We got word that Mikey did not show up for his flight to LA, which was in fact a "red-eye", the last possible flight that could have gotten him to the shoot in time. We have been trying to figure out where Mikey is and what he's been doing since, and everyone's concern has grown considerably. We were never under the impression that anything so serious was happening as to prevent Mikey coming out by now, and using a substitute bass player was only under consideration "just in case" Mikey wasn't available to make an upcoming show. However, this missed flight is very worrying. Lots of phone calls have only gotten answering machines or vague answers that haven't helped figure things out, outside of one solid report that repeats what we already had learned, that this is "NOT drug-related"... At this point, we are wondering if either a) Mikey is in worse shape than we thought (but we still don't know the nature of what could be troubling him, and no one close to him is passing along any such info), or b) Mikey has chosen not to come on purpose. Without any word from anyone close to the matter, we are about as much in the dark as the fans on this one, and are forced to speculate. Messages asking Mikey to get in touch have been passed on repeatedly, but to no response. As soon as we know more we will of course pass the info on to you. In the meantime, the rest of the band is very concerned and is hoping that Mikey is OK.
...in the meantime, the video shoot is scheduled for tomorrow, waaaaay out in the dusty sticks, and today we met with Spike Jonez to go over various details. It was great to see Spike again, and it looks like this video is going to RULE, but the underlying question on everyone's mind is "what if we get to the shoot and Mikey's not there?" Now it looks like just might be the case, but the die is cast- there's no way to reschedule a shoot like this one! (I really wish I could share more about the theme of the video, but I must wait till after its shot...)
...weezer fan Kate reports: "[the] inland empire club weezerfest party [is] on the same day as the show on aug 25th in california. i think it's so cool that there's gonna be a real fan party on the same day as a show, and it's only a few weeks away! you can have people email katetheweezerfan@aol.com if they are gong to the show and want to hang out with other fans either before or after. i'm so psyched!"
...another online vote to cast! Its the Seventeen Magazine "teen choice awards" survey, and the last
question on it is "Choice Summer Pop Song". One of the choices is "Hash Pipe", and you know what that means...
Vote here...
...some more shops that carry the Green Album on vinyl, and/or other unusual weezer records...
1. Reckless Records, in Chicago Illinois.
2. Tunes on the Dunes, in Ocean City, NJ. (no LP; has UK version of the hash pipe 7"; $6.99 +tax)
3. Schoolkid's Records in Durham, NC (near Duke); LP and Hash Pipe 7"
4. hot topic in irvine CA; in the irvine spectrum; Hash Pipe 7". (no LP)
5. Newbury Comics in Manchester N; LP for $17.99. also have el scorcho, goodlife, photograph and hashpipe singles on cd. "looked to be imports from china (?) and great britain"
6. Sound Garden in Fell's Point, Baltimore, MD