Karl's Corner - 09/04/2008
09/04/08 you are the dreamers and you are the creators
Japanese fans - if you have just watched the special video from weezer in which they ask you for musical help at the upcoming shows in Japan, you know that the band said "go to weezer.com for info". Well, actually the info you need to know is on this Japanese site: http://www.creativeman.co.jp/2008/weezer/index.html . Thank you!!! See you at the shows!
People - feeling creative? Grab a video camera, or a digicam, or a Flip, or a cell phone with video, or whatever, because we got a job for you.
The Weezer 2008 North American Troublemaker Tour (thats what I'm calling it for now anyway) will, like most big tours, have a fancy lighting and visual aspect. But unlike with most tours, YOU can contribute to this one!
What Weezer's lighting designer is looking for are short video clips, between 5 and 30 seconds long, that YOU create. But we cant use just anything. Consider these guidelines:
1. Look for colorful, textural, simple, artistic things - interesting visuals - NOT a "story" or "message". For example, dont film the dog running around, rather, film a close up of his fur or the slobber drooling from his mouth. Good things to shoot might be a graffiti wall, the pavement flying by as you go down the street, a waterfall, fire, etc. If it does have people in it, go for artistic, abstract, and/or weird.
2. Yes, animation is fine and encouraged! the more colorful and textural/abstract, the better.
3. Don't have a "intro" or an "ending" - these clips should be "loop-able". No text please!
3. NO COPYWRITTEN MATERIAL - no "mash-ups", no "recycled" footage, no using anything you can buy on a cd, dvd, or see in a videogame, movie theater or on tv. For that matter, stay clear of youtube clips - try and come up with something original that only you can capture. Have fun with it!
4. Note that we will not be using the audio (sound) of your clip, so making them silent is ok, or if there is dialogue or music or sounds in your clip, know that it wont end up in the final product if we pick your clip.
5. submit as many clips as you like.
6. Try and keep clip file size to 100MB or less - if we like your clip, we will be asking you to sendspace it (or similar) to me (Karl), and those sites usually have a 100MB limit on file size unless you have a premium membership.
Go to Weezer's YouTube page and then to the "WeezerFans"/"Weezer Tour Imagery" Group, and upload your video to that group. We'll be watching!
If the lighting designer likes your clip, we will need to get in touch with you to get the original video clip file directly from you (via sendspace or similar filesharing sites), so SAVE that original (.avi or .mov format preferred but not required), and keep them 100MB or smaller unless you have a premium acct etc. The list of clips we want will appear on Weezer.com (and a myspace bulletin and in a weezer mailing list email), and if youre on the list, you'll need to email me (Karl) with a sendspace link to your original clip. So stay tuned to see who's gonna have their footage used in the tour!
Have fun!
Example clip: some Floridian surf froth I shot last spring.