Karl's Corner - 09/07/2001
9/07/01 move it along
...today I flew to LA and met up with everyone. I discovered that there are some personnel changes for this upcoming tour. Contrary to what I thought before, Atom (drum tech) will in fact be sitting out this tour, to get married (hooray!). Also Beebe has opted out. For bass and drum tech duties, we now have veteran roadie Dugan on board, and Dugan used to work for Van Halen back in the GOOD old days with David Lee Roth! He even brought his special vintage Van Halen road case with him (see picture) Craig continues his Front-of-House sound duties. Bobby is going to try his hand at teching for both Brian and Rivers on this tour, as "Pops" is currently unavailable to do Rivers's guitars. We also lost Ian on monitors, though we hope to get him back asap. Im not sure who weve got coming in to do that. Dan the Lighting Man is still with us, and ready to go with some new lighting tricks! We lost tour manager Gus back to his first love the Foo Fighters, and now have a sharp dresser named Stuart on the case. We got a new production manager as well, but I don't know his name yet (I do know that he is English, which, as we have come to understand, is the prime requisite for a Production Manager!) And Sheeny will be with us of course!
The main difference on this tour that you will notice, is that Scott Shriner will be on bass duty. I witnessed todays rehearsal, and I must say the man is ready to do his duties with style. Both new and old songs sounded tight as hell! Also, I was pleased to discover that he is indeed a witty, smart, and thoughtful guy. Before, I was definately worried that we might have a "square peg in a round hole" situation on this tour, but I think Scott's going to do just fine.
...also I finally got a chance to hear the recent demos tonight, and damn! There are some KILLER new songs in there! Hopefully youll be hearing a few of them in the upcoming touring...
...and: we've just put the finishing touches on the Weezer 2002 calendar, to which I contributed 10+ full size color photos of the band, taken over the last year of activity. There are also shots by Marina Chavez who did the cover to the Green Album. The calender will also feature important dates in weezer history along with the listings of usual (and unusual) holidays. It looks really cool. I'm not sure yet, but I think its going to be an item for retail shops as well as our online store. It should be available in a matter of weeks, or possibly even sooner!
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