Karl's Corner - 10/17/2008
10/17/08 Troublemaker Tour Show 21: San Diego - Cox Arena
SPECIAL NOTICE: We are trying to locate a female student that was in Rivers’ English 97 Sophomore Writing Tutorial with Professor Nancy Yousef in the Spring of 1997 at Harvard. If anyone remembers the women in this class (or if you were in the class with Rivers), please contact us immediately. (Email us using the 'karls corner' bar link above). Thanks!!
Back at the good ol' Cox Arena, site of many a weezer show over the years. The first time Weezer played the Cox was on a New Years Eve, when 2000 became 2001. That show was headlined by Blink 182, whose Tom DeLonge heads Angels and Airwaves today. Pretty cool how we're back under the same roof again...and as Rivers recently said "and thats the end of a lame story".
Today weezer had the legendary skate photographer O helping out by lending his expertise and punk spirit to the proceedings. We are looking forward to seeing O's pix from the pit. In the meantime, the usual selection of my own shots are up (below). Also in the pit was OG Rivers buddy, Amherst house resident, etc Adam O. who also shot up a storm. See his photo reults from the night here.
Today's raucous Hootenanny included local sometimes weez tribute band Geezer, faux Octagenarians who brought a nurse in case they went into cardiac arrest from the excitement, as well as some baked cookies for the band. And big ups to trifecta Cali show goer and uberfan Luis.
Here are some pix from tonight's show (click on them to see them bigger)
RIVERS NEEDS YOUR STICKERS! Rivers needs to decorate his drum kit (the one on the side of the stage, not Pat's in the middle), and he wants stickers to do it. Years ago, you served my father in the Clone Wars; now - er, wait - I mean, years ago, Rivers asked for stickers for his guitar, and hundreds of you tossed envelopes loaded with crazy stickers onstage for days - his Stratocasters were quickly plastered! Can we count on you guys to come thru again? However you can get them to us works - if you see me, pass em over - if youre close to the stage, toss em up! Just write "Stickers for Rivers" on the envelope! Thanks people!