Karl's Corner - 11/24/2000
...today the guys learned another new song as well as running though a whole bunch of songs, ranging from older ones from earlier in 2000, up to recent days. The idea was to see what songs felt better, to start eliminating possibilities from a list that may be in excess of 75 "serious enough to think about" songs. And indeed, several songs were "X'ed" off the list, which made the ones that are still on the list look that much better together. The plan is to continue this practice of actually running through all the songs, and figuring out which ones feel best as a band. Hopefully by the time Ric comes out it will be narrowed down to 25 or 30.
WFO page: new Goat Punishment mp3! follow the link above to check it out...
...weezer is now crossing their fingers, having been informed that they are in the running to play either one or both of the KROQ Christmas concerts, which take place on Dec 16th and 17th in L.A. The guys will find out at the same time you do, as KROQ should be making their announcements for the shows on this coming Monday. As fun as these shows would be, there is a concern as well, that they will interrupt the album recording process and possibly push things back a bit. Everyone is committed to working their tail off on this album, so hopefully a small delay like that can be overcome...
...mp3 warning!! There is a deliberately mis-named Napster mp3 floating about (as usual), this time its a fake "The Christmas Song". This, it turns out, is a punk cover of "Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town" by the band Wizo.
...weezer movie report: in the last couple of days, I've attended "the 6th Day" and "Unbreakable", with Rivers and Mikey. Rivers liked "The 6th day" (he has a soft spot for Shwartzenegger), and I thought it had peaks and valleys. All three of us really liked "Unbreakable", it definitely got a lot more complex and interesting than it seemed it would from the previews, and everyone felt that Bruce Willis has found the type of movie that he excels in. Me and Rivers thought that it wasnt quite as well done as "The 6th Sense", but Mikey couldnt comment because he hasnt seen that movie yet (somehow!).