Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much

From Weezerpedia
"Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much"
Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much cover
Demo by Rivers Cuomo
Album Alone VI: The Black Room
Released 2020
Recorded 1998
Length 2:36
Writer(s) Rivers Cuomo
RC# 269
Status demo circulating
Rivers Cuomo song chronology
"I Love This Band"
(RC# 268)
"Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much"
(RC# 269)
"There's a Bomb in the Air"
(RC# 270)

"Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much" is a Rivers Cuomo demo.



"Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much" is a demo recorded by Rivers Cuomo during demo sessions at TK Productions & Rehearsal Studios in Los Angeles from June through July of 1998. The Weezer Recording History notes that the song, initially recorded into a handheld tape recorder, was among several demos developed into a full song. Cuomo's demo of the song was included as a part of the digital demo compilation album Alone VI: The Black Room in November of 2020.


border-left: 1px solid #aaa The lyrics for this song are incomplete or missing. Can you help us fill them in? If so, we encourage you to make a move!

Just let it ride
Everybody says too much about
The birds, the bees, the ??? on trees
Everybody's thinking too much
They're thinking too much

Everybody's thinking too much
They're thinking too much
They're thinking too much

Everywhere, too much
Just let it ride, just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much
Just let it ride, just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much about
The birds, the bees, the ??? on trees

Everybody's thinking too much
They're thinking too much
They're thinking too much

Everywhere you go you hear the old folks say
Na, na na, na na, na na, na na, na, way

Everybody's thinking too much
Just let it ride, just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much
Just let it ride, just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much about
The birds, the bees, the ??? on trees

Everybody's thinking too much
They're thinking too much
They're thinking too much


Just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much
Just let it ride, just let it ride
Everybody's thinking too much about
The birds, the bees, the ??? on trees

Everybody's thinking too much
They're thinking too much
They're thinking too much

Everywhere you go you hear the old folks say
You, and me, and everyone around the way

Known recordings

Performer(s) Title Filename Date of recording Recording location Length Appeared on Notes
Rivers Cuomo Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much TKX-20 Everybody's Thinkin' Too Much.mp3 June/July 1998 TK Productions & Rehearsal Studios, Los Angeles, CA 2:36 Alone VI: The Black Room
about this table

See also