Movie Theater

From Weezerpedia
"Movie Theater"
Movie Theater cover
Demo by Rivers Cuomo
Recorded 1999
Length 2:18
Writer(s) Rivers Cuomo
RC# 317
COR# 14
Rivers Cuomo song chronology
"Smokin' Crack"
(RC# 316)
"Movie Theater"
(RC# 317)
(RC# 318)

"Movie Theater" is a demo by Rivers Cuomo.



"Movie Theater" was recorded in 1999. The song was among hundreds of demos leaked through the demo storefront on on November 7, 2020. The song was made available for purchase by fans as part of the demo compilation Alone VI: The Black Room a few weeks later, on November 22.


Come back, come here
Come on, watch what you're doing
Before, because
Come on, watch 'til you're blue in
Your face, your time
Is up, back to the front row
Sit down, stand up
Come on, watch 'til you don't know how

How (Stand in line)

Cheap talk, cheap suit
Quick shot, time for a dozen
Hang up, hang out
Laugh at the tough guy that was in
Your place, your time
Is up, back to the front row
Sit down, stand up
Come on, until you don't know how

How (Stand in line)

Known recordings

Performer(s) Title Filename Date of recording Recording location Length Appeared on Notes
Rivers Cuomo Movie Theater 014 Movie Theater.mp3 1999 1:02 Alone VI: The Black Room Truncated duplicate of 014 Movie Theater 2.mp3
Rivers Cuomo Movie Theater 014 Movie Theater 2.mp3 1999 2:18 Alone VI: The Black Room
about this table

See also