
From Weezerpedia

The 2008 Spike Games awards performance of The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Variations on a Shaker Hymn) could cure cancer and cause world peace

Am I the only one who likes this album?
About me
I live in Pennsylvania.
I am 19 years old.
My favorite Weezer album is The Red Album.
I am PRO-pasadena.
I'm ready to admit that I like Ozma more than Weezer.
I'm ready to admit that I like Ozma more than Ozma.
Do you have the Incarnation Blues?
My favorite song is Motorology 3:39.
My favorite Rivers quote is: I'm like im just making the stuff that gets me off
I am PRO-moustache.
My favorite Weezer album is Rock and Roll Part Three.
This user thinks the Death to False Metal version of "Mykel and Carli" is better than the Blue Album version.