Karl's Corner - 12/08/2001

From Weezerpedia

12/08/01 lettin' off some Cleveland steam

...tonights weez set opened with "Death and Destruction", which made only its second public appearence today. Later in the set they busted out with "Keep Fishin'" which hasn't been played live since early in the summer. Also the set was peppered with a fair amount of between song chit chat, including some creedly quotations... All in all it was a really strong show, with all bands reporting good times on stage. However, Jack Black suffered some sort of a freak fretboard injury at the tail end of the Tenacious D set, and was heard yelling "Ow!" in the hall afterwards. And so Rock exacts its toll on those who Rock once more!

...some fans' "p.o.v.'s"...

"i just got back from the cleveland show and wow, was it worth the wait!!!! everything was amazzzzzzing! j.e.w. rocked out in their short, but rad set. the d went on for a little too long in my opinion, but they were pretty funny... then when i didnt think it could get any better, it did!! weezer totally raawwwwkeed. i recorded it on a tape recorder i snuck in, in my sock (sneaky bastard, eh). i will get those songs to be downloadable as soon as i can. well anyways, the show opened up with rivers singing a little rendition of "higher" by creed, which i found particularly amusing. the first song was "death and destruction" and the crew kept pumpin out the songs from there. i an safely say that the best surprise of the night was keep fishin'! that was my favorite song from the summer, and i was totally surprised when they started playing it.. all and all, a flawless set full of surprises and a little humor from rivers. a good blend of old and new, i found that the new songs that they played were some of the ones i liked (still not too much of a fan of "your room though). it was a dissapointment not seeing the familiar face of mikey on the bass, but scott was dern good. i just want to say thank you for coming to cleveland weezer, and i hope to see you again." --chris

"about a month ago my ex boyfriend and I, being such big weezer fans, got our
tickets for cleveland on internet presale. we were so stoked because we had
such great seats behind the sound booth. a few weeks past and he secretly
started talking to another girl behind my back so when i found out i thought
revenge would be sweeter than just catching him redhanded, so i went and
messed around with his roomate to even the score. then about one week to the
day we got into a really huge fight and i ended up telling him everything
out of anger. he moved out of his house the next day to live with his mom
again, refusing to talk to anyone. i felt really sh---y about it and we both
said our apologies, but that doesn't change that he gave his new girlfriend
MY weezer ticket! luckily, my sister was generous enough to buy me another
ticket in the peanut gallery. then i got there and i saw them, i thought i
was okay, but s--- was i ever wrong. i really enjoyed the first two sets,
especially tenacious d because i'm a huge jack black fan (it was hi fidelity
that did me in). then weezer came out for their set, and it was wonderful up
until they played "only in dreams". I looked over and i saw him and her,
holding each other, swaying back and forth to the music. i have never felt
like rivers cuomo until tonight." --(unsigned)

"Wow! What a night. It couldn't have been any better. Jimmy Eat Wold was
awesome. I llike a few of there songs a lot. They were good opening for
they had a lot of energy and really got the crowd going. I couldn't wait for
more once trhey were finished. I was very anxious to see Tenacius D because
I never heard them berofe. It turns out I loved them. They were hilarious.
They live show is awesome! Once the D was done the anticipation really
begain to grow for we new what was comming next. However, while we were
waiting for the stage to be set up there was only on thing bothering me and
my friends, all the empty space on the floor. We used this down time to try
to devise a way to get down there. We finally came up with a master plan,
Find someone with a wristband and use there ticket stup to get a wrist band
of our own. I was doubting it would work but since it was our only hope it
was worth a shot. After asking a few people for their stubs somone finally
told us that they stamped them anyways. Turns out our master plan wasn't
full proof. After some more waiting the lights went down and I ran to my
seat. Unfortunately, it was so dark I ran into several people pretty hard.
I hope I didnt hurt anyone. Once I finally made it to my seat I was able to
enjoy the amazing show. Weezer rocked it hard. They are definitely the most
talanted band out there. They played all of the old clasics and many new
ones. A lot of the new songs are really good. I cant wait for the next cd.
Well, I am glad I was able to join you on the magic carpet ride and i really
cant wait for the next Cleveland show." --k.

"Ok, first off, kick butt show! I was definately surprised at how awesome
Jimmy Eat World was. I didn't like them much until after I saw them, and now
that I have...wow. The D, I was expecting a great set from them, and was
amazed at how much better, funnier, and outright dddelightful. Then Weezer
came on. I was disappointed that Ticketmaster screwed me out of floor seats,
because the first time I saw them I was on the floor at the Odeon, but the
show rocked just as much from the seats. I loved the new songs, especially
Going Fishing, that song blew my mind. Then they busted out Only in Dreams
which was phenomenal. You never could really see the band, only silhouettes
through all the smoke, which gave the song a perfect dream state. After the
show I got to meet Scott, and he is seriously the nicest guy I've met from a
band. And I think he even knew my name...freaky. But all in all the show was
freakin amazing!" --Rob

"Despite the fact that the venue's whole staff was
really anal and very pushy about everything the show
did indeed rock. It was great to have had the pleasure
to see weezer 3 times within the last 10 days. This
pushing my total weezer shows to 6. Although they
rocked really hard, coming from seeing two other shows
on this tour I can safely say that tonight they
sounded a bit off. Much of that wasn't their fault as
VERY minor technical glitches seemed very apparent,
even in the D set. But tech problems aside they did
seem a little off, but I guess the road does that to
you - not being able to score high on Tony Hawk due to
the bus shaking takes it's toll. Again, it was a
totally rearranged Tenacious D set, with several new
"songs" that i hadn't seen before at the other two
shows. They still managed to make me laugh and enjoy
the show for the 3rd time even though many of the
songs were the exact same. As for the weezer set:
They started to really change it up - not starting
with The Dawn. And it was really cool that they
brought back "Keep Fishing". I was there at the St.
Louis Pointfest show when it debuted so it was nice to
hear that song again live. Overall, I really loved
seeing weezer and the D all 3 times. But I regret not
being able to make it on time not even once out of
those three times to see J.E.W. Overall, if I had to
rank the 3 shows I have seen on this tour, I'd rank
them as: Columbus, Cleveland, St. Louis from best to
not the best. The columbus show just kicked." --Andrew

"Hey, just woke up after the Cleveland show. I've been a Weezer fan for years, but this was the first time I've made it to see them live. Definitely worth the three hour drive. The new material was very killer. I can't wait for it to be published. It was great seeing all these generations of fans there, although I have to admit that me and my compadre felt a bit out of place drinking our brews amid a sea of high school kids. But it's better than them being at a Creed concert (anyone at the cleveland show should chuckle at that). Anyway, the only disappointment I can think of about the show is the complete lack of Pinkerton material. It's my favorite Weezer album. It was great to hear Tired of Sex, but I was hoping to hear Getchoo, Why Bother, Across the Sea (that one was very doubtful), or at least The Good Life or El Scorcho. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing about the show. I hadn't heard much of Jimmy Eat World. They put on a good show. Tenacious D rocked all! They were definitely a fitting opening act. Can't wait for the next tour/album, whichever comes first." --J.E.

"I had the pleasure of attending my first Weezer concert last night,
with floor tickets no less. So we showed up in line at 4:30, and played
gameboy until they opened the doors at 6. My friend and I rushed in as
soon as the door opened and ran to get wristbands and get on the floor.
The security guards were cool, the one guy was telling the crowd up
front which celebrities are nice and which ones are jerks in real life.
Just so you know, Matchbox 20 and Linkin Park are nice, Blink 182 and
Stevie Nicks aren't. We got there front row center, and were so happy we
were like 5 ft. away from the stage! Jimmy Eat World was pretty cool,
and really into their songs. It was cool to see Rachel Haden because I
like her work for the Rentals and in "I Just Threw Out the Love of My
Dreams", but she really didn't do anything. She only played the keyboard
on one song, and her background vocals weren't really noticeable.
Tenacious D was hilarious and a real treat. Jack Black started hitting
on this girl who was a few feet to the left of me. It was funny. When
Weezer came on, things got crazy! Way too much moshing and crowd
surfing. I kept getting thrown from side to side, and after the first
couple of songs I could only have one foot on the ground at one time! I
was very happy they played "Keep Fishin'". because that was my favorite
DC demo. I also lucked out because "Your Room" and "Living Without You"
are my favorite 2 new demos. So basically, after getting kicked in the
face 6-8 times by crowdsurfers, and almost getting my neck snapped
twice, my freind and I left the front row and got something to drink,
but not before my friend pulled a crowdsurfer to the ground by his belt!
+__+ Even Rivers pointed out there were too many surfers, and it was
also cool how Brian pointed out Cleveland was home of the Browns. Scott
seemed cool, so he's from Toledo huh. That would explain a few
things...just kidding. When we came back we stayed in the middle of the
crowd where it was safe. The lighting effects were very nice, especially
the flower lights in the mist. The fog and silver confetti during "In
Dreams" was a nice touch. I can truly say that Weezer was the best
concert I ever went to, Weezer rocks! =w=" --Mark

(...as always, these and many many more fan's stories will be up in the "weezer fans" section, as soon as i dig out from the months-old backlog of great stories and get them all posted!)