
From Weezerpedia
About me
My pronouns are she/her.
I live in New Jersey, unfortunately.
I am 15 years old.
My favorite Weezer album is The White Album.
My favorite song is Wind in Our Sail.
My favorite Weezlet is Pat Finn.
My favorite non-Weezer album is Yield by Pearl Jam.
I'm a victim of the Weezerpedia Discord server. (I'll be an orange name someday...)
I check #karlification every single damn hour.
My Discord account is @brain.of.j..
I have a page.
I`ve been to 2 Weezer concerts so far.
I am PRO-moustache.

RWA: What's your take on this whole "Weezer" thing?

Mikey: It totally sucks and is a big bummer.

—1998 interview with Mikey Welsh

hiii!!! hellooooo!!!

My name is Meri! I'm a guitarist, singer, and Weezer fan. I got into Weezer in autumn 2023, after my mom starting singing In the Garage whilst we were driving to a garage sale.

My projects

I'm currently going through the entire list of concerts to make sure they all use the more sophisticated format that the recent pages do. This'll probably take a while to complete, but it's kinda fun! Currently, I'm on July 2005, the third leg of the Make Believe tour. I'll return to working on this when I get off my ass lol. In the meantime, I've been trying to keep up with the brand-new concert pages.

My Weezer collection!

I don't usually get albums on more than one format, unless it's Hurley.


Vinyl Records

Rare Artifacts

  • Black Album CD with Eye of the Storm by ONE OK ROCK mispressed onto it (I almost sold this to Burnst after joining the Discord, but decided not to)



  • White Album vinyl
  • Hurley Deluxe CD
  • Hurley vinyl
  • Get Weezer to sign all my Hurley memorabilia
  • This band will acknowledge their own album someday yet, goddamnit!!

Shows I've seen!!

Indie Rock Road Trip - Weezer concert: 06/27/2023 (Wasn't a huge fan of Future Islands. Was a huge fan of acoustic No Other One!)

Sea.Hear.Now Festival 2023 - Weezer concert: 09/17/2023 (Foo Fighters were great here too!)

Next show

Voyage to the Blue Planet - Weezer concert: 09/13/2024 (Praying for a White song in the starting set!)

Albums ranking

1st: White Album

2nd: Blue Album

3rd: Pinkerton

4th: OK Human


6th: Maladroit

7th: SZNZ: Autumn

8th: SZNZ: Winter

9th: SZNZ: Summer

10th: Hurley (it doesn't suck!!)

11th: Van Weezer

12th: Make Believe

13th: Black Album

14th: Green Album

15th: Red Album

16th: SZNZ: Spring

17th: Raditude

18th: Death to False Metal

19th: Pacific Daydream (I will die on this hill)

Something I wrote after listening to Hurley daily

Seven days of nonstop Hurley. I almost forgot the final night, but ultimately I'm glad I stayed the course. Oddly enough, listening to this stupid album over and over has given me a different perspective on Weezer as a whole. I now realize that a lot of the songs I kinda despise on other albums are of roughly equal quality to a lot of the songs on this album, which I really am a fan of overall. Where's My Sex is bizarre and weird. Smart Girls is dumb as hell. Hang On is totally corny. And yet, I love all three of those songs. If I can enjoy a song with such lines as "Yumi, Sherie, Allison, Mary / Which one do I want to marry?", what's stopping me from liking Troublemaker? I consider myself a Red Album hater, but a song like Where's My Sex is really on the same level as, say, Everybody Get Dangerous.

I used to hate these other songs for how ridiculous they are. After all, Weezer made Pinkerton! There's nothing funny about Pinkerton! It's not the 1990s anymore, though. I've always defended Hurley, but it wasn't until I did this that I really understood why. Hurley is equal parts dumb fun and honest writing. Time Flies, the closer, is a serious look at aging and mortality. Meanwhile, Ruling Me, the second song, is a goofy pop tune including the absolute all-timer line of "My ocular nerve went pop-zoom". Both of these types of songs can coexist, and the album is better for it. Maybe albums like Blue or White and albums like Red and Hurley can coexist, and Weezer is better for it.

Maybe part of being a Weezer fan is learning to let go.