Historic event: 04/07/1992

From Weezerpedia

show #3: acoustic set at 8121 club, Hollywood

..this was the 3rd weezer show, and the first of what was to become a number of early acoustic sets. There were a number of clubs that specialized in the acoustic/unplugged vibe, and weezer, desperate to get as many gigs as possible in a horribly competitive environment, honed their acoustic jamming skills early on.

The 8121 club [now called the Crooked Bar], is located underneath the Coconut Teaszer club at 8121 Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood.

The set for this show was:

lets sew our pants together
i cant forget the way
theif, youve taken all that was me
2 to tango
the world has turned and left me here

This show was 'bootlegged' by Karl, who used a cheap handheld voice recorder to capture the show.

first show to have flyers made - L: Matt designed flyer, M: Rivers designed flyer. R: 8121 club today
[click on any photo for a larger size pop-up version]

See also