Historic event: 06/11/1992

From Weezerpedia

show #9: acoustic set at 8121 club, Hollywood

...this was the 9th weezer show, and the third of weezer's early acoustic sets. The 8121 club [now called the Crooked Bar], is located underneath the Coconut Teaszer club at 8121 Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood.

The set for this show was:

theif, youve taken all that was me
the world has turned and left me here
paperface (1st time performed live)
lets sew our pants together
my name is jonas
the biggest animal (the old Fuzz/S.W.S. song rises again)
"smiths medley" (spontaneous medley of several Smiths songs)

This show was 'bootlegged' by Karl, who used a cheap handheld voice recorder to capture the show.

There are no known photos from this show, and no flyers seem to have survived, if they were made.

See also