Karl's Corner - 02/18/2005

From Weezerpedia

02/18/05 and my friends are just as screwy as me

...a few new tour dates have filtered in. More to come!

June 3 - Rock am Ring - Nurburgring, Germany
June 4 - Rock im Park - Nurnberg, Germany

...so hey, thanks to all who wrote in with their congrats on weezer turning 13 (on 2/14/05)! The pix of 'weezer days' with the cookies, shirts and artwork were swell. Here's some "Weezer Day" pictures from 'leen (katfox14) at William Patterson college. And via albinoblacksheep.com, an 'Island In The Sun' Valentine's Day flash video.

...coming up on Feb 21 (fan announcements)...

1. "The Lolz Show" with The Moog Magician and MadonnaSurprise. Lame Name, Good Music.
When: Monday, 2/21/05 8:00-10:00 PM Eastern (5-7 Pacific)
Where: Northern AZ University's KJACK Radio, kjack.org
What: Weezer Tribute Show. Songs from their entire career, including demos, b-sides, related bands, etc... We'll also be taking calls.

2. The Weezer cover band "El Scorcho" will performing at Georgia Tech's 'Under The Couch' ton the 21st at 8pm. The cover charge is free for students and tickets will be available at the door for others. update - another =w= tribute band, say it ain't Weezer will be playing their first show on Thursday, Feb 24th at BYU campus in Provo, Utah.

...there's a funny weezer reference in the 1/28 edition of the online comic catandgirl.com.

..."I just got home from seeing the documentery "DIG!" about the Dandy Warhols and Scott Shriner makes [a cameo appearance] that takes place back stage at the Reading festival [2002]. He says "That was great" about the Dandy's performance." -chad

...note! this myspace profile page is NOT the band's, nor done by anyone who has any affiliation to the band! We have no idea who is doing it and the "info" listed there about the 5th album ranges from erroneous to just plain silly and incorrect. We repeat: it is not an official weezer page whatsoever.