Karl's Corner - 03/10/2012

From Weezerpedia

2012/03/10 The Future. The Past. Now.

The official band and crew group photo from the Cruise! In theory, everyone from every Weezer Cruise band (and their crews) is somewhere in this photo...though I know for a fact that J. Mascis's face is blocked by a raised drink at top left...

...Another Weezer show was added to the 2012 calendar this week, the Brantford Hockey Fest up in Ontario Canada on June 2nd! Tickets are going on sale next Wednesday, March 14 at noon. More including ticket info on their Facebook and their website.

...Also in case you haven't noticed folks, the Official Bootlegs of the 3 epic Weezer Cruise shows are available now, individually or as a cost saving triple bundle - as CDs or digitally. Whether you were on the boat and want to relive the glory, or you weren't and want a crunchy taste of it, theyre available now in our Online Store.

...For the historians and detail hounds out there, I am happy to report that Weezerpedia has been shaping up nicely of late. Last fall it officially became a part of Weezer.com (located in our navbar and on the Info page), and since then its been under constant construction by a few very dedicated admins and myself. Its open to editing by registered members, so if youve got something you want to add or correct or revise, sign in and get to it!

The biggest updates that have been happening on Weezerpedia have to do with the addition and incorporation of the Super-Chrono into the site. The Super-Chrono started as a basic historical chronology of weezer shows and events back in the late 90's on weezer.net, the foreruner of weezer.com. It went thru several big revisions up to about 2005 but various site moves since then made proper updates impossible till we had a safe home for it. Now that its been integrated into the Wiki system, good things are happening. Now, finally, all the old chrono pages, all the old karls corner stories, plus tons of never before seen data, pix, and info is coming together under one streamlined system. Here's what we got so far... The Super-Chrono.

...Speaking of interesting history, Mike from Ottawa has published a blog of his interviews with yours truly, all about his favorite subject, Songs From the Black H***. These interviews date back to a time before a lot of new info (and songs) hit the public eye, so at times youll see me struggling with memories and speculation on things that are now well established. But the questions and answers are still interesting and at times they even border on informative.