Karl's Corner - 04/04/2005

From Weezerpedia

04/04/05 no I don't

...a flurry of activity over the weekend and 'Make Believe' is *just* about done. The album artwork has been finalized including the photos, art, layout, liner notes, lyrics, etc. The mixes have been selected (though 1 or 2 might yet be in question as of Monday morning...), and therefore the final tracklisting is 99 percent for sure. With a few final desicions soon to be out of the way, the album will be entering the mass-production phase.

...to our suprise, "Beverly Hills" (or at least an excerpt from it) was spotted on the Friday 4/1 episode of Mtv's "TRL" show. What this means (we think) is that it can now be 'voted for', doing battle with all manner of uber-popular fare. Back in '01, the last weezer video to feature some 'skin' (Hash Pipe) found its way onto TRL as well... we think we see a pattern here... heh heh... Did some poking around, here is the TRL voting page... youll have to "write in" Beverly hills near the bottom of you want to vote for it...!

...Speaking of the Beverly Hills video, its now on our Media page in multi-formats and for all connection speeds. Enjoy!