Karl's Corner - 04/28/2011

From Weezerpedia

2011/04/28 Hard Times Of RJ Berger Appearance

Weezer will be performing rock music in this coming Monday's (5/2) new episode of The Hard Times Of RJ Berger, playing at 10PM ET/PT on MTV. How and why did this happen you may ask? Well, as it turns out, the show's two creators are such big weezer fans they named the high school in the show Pinkerton High. Later, Rivers met them and said "Since you guys are such fans, maybe we should come on the show and play a couple songs." Next thing we knew they had written the band into the script and weezer was on the set (it was filmed a few months back). Everyone on the show were cool and very nice to us. Check it out if you like the idea of weezer playing at a magical academic dream world called Pinkerton High.