Karl's Corner - 09/11/2004

From Weezerpedia

09/11/04 never forget

...summer recording session, day 40. Rivers was out of town for the day (congrats to Justin Fisher on getting married!), but while he (and I) were up the coast, The other Weez-men were in the studio, working on various overdubs and ideas, and they also took part of the day to listen to the 12 rough mixes so far and see where things are at.

...and now for the bad news. Got a very sad letter today from Dustin Grella, the brother of one Devin Grella, a young Army PFC who on Labor day was killed while on duty in Iraq. Devin was a huge, huge weezer fan, and back in '02 when he reached Eagle Scout, Dustin requested that Scott Shriner send him a letter of commendation. Not only did Scott personally reply to Devin, but met with him and the Grellas pre-show during the Enlightenment Tour. Not long after that tour, Devin signed up for the Army, and eventually found himself on partol in Iraq as part of the coalition forces who took out Saddam and have since been sweating it out in Iraq.

This kind of news is the most devastating of all, to learn of someone taken away so young, while doing something that takes the greatest kind of courage. Weezer extends its deepest sympathies to the Grella family, and asks everyone on this important date to pause and remember those who were taken away, who sacrificed everything for the rest of us.

Several local papers are carrying stories about Devin. Please check 'em out. Here, here, and here.

Devin's brother Dustin writes:

Devin, my brother, volunteered for the Army, went to Iraq, and was killed on Labor Day. I don't think I am going to have a problem getting Labor Day and Memorial Day mixed up any more. He was the one that introduced me to Weezer and the night that we met Scott was the best night that we as a set of four brothers had ever had. I've got a letter to and from him talking about that night just two days before he died. It was a pivotal moment in our lives as Grella Boys.

...R.I.P. Devin...your courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten. rock on...

Scotts Eagle Scout commendation letter to Devin from '02:

August 1, 2002
Dear Devin,
On behalf of Weezer, I would like to congratulate you on making Eagle Scout. It is an important part of life to learn how to obtain goals, by becoming an Eagle Scout you are well on your way to learning about this important lesson. It is also a process in becoming a man.
I commend you on your achievement. Keep up the good work.
All the Best,
Scott Shriner