Karl's Corner - 12/03/2009

From Weezerpedia

2009/12/03 Raditude Tour: Milwaukee: Eagles Ballroom

2009/12/03 Raditude Tour: Milwaukee: Eagles Ballroom

...Today weezer marked its return to the Eagles Ballroom, now apparently re-named the Rave at Eagles Ballroom, a gigantic complex built many many years ago by a fraternal brotherhood men's club, the likes of which wore special hats and didnt talk about what they did inside their giant headquarters. A headquarters which was built by them in a monumental and imposing fashion, showing sheer power and influence over the Milwaukee social and business scene of the early part of the 1900's. Over the years, enough of those old guys died off so that the brotherhood of the Eagle started running out of money and members, and eventually their massive complex went up on the auction block, only to re-emerge as a giant interconnected set of music halls and nightclubs under one roof, as well as a labrynth of unused, dusty, and some say haunted hallways, meeting rooms, empty olympic sized pools, decaying spas, and sub-basements.

A lot of rock has happened in this building, including weezer shows back in the 90's and more recently in 2001. Curiously, it always seems to be winter when we are here. And it was decidedly winter today, with the first snow we've seen on the tour so far, as well as bitterly cold temperatures outside and in the cavernous concrete back hallways of the Eagles Hall. Today's show was one for the books, buidling on the good vibes and power of the Chicago show and kicking it into the realm of magic. Just about everyone from the band to the crew to the crowd felt that something special was going on tonight, an intangible buzz that defies pinning down - things just clicked, and clicked strong. In the possible words of the ghosts of Eagle Hall members of old - Excelsior!

Today's "I want you to" duet singing radio contest prize was won by, in Scott's words, "a dude", so the duet was kind of funny looking. But the heavily bearded dude could sing and it all went down well - a dude-et.

(click on any photo for a full size version)

...Chicago Pix of the band in the Blackhawks jerseys, and backstage, here on the Blackhawk's website.

...New Weezer interview (taped just before the Hot Topic instore signing) up now on Shockhound!

..."Raditude" has been nominated for a Best Art Vinyl award! Check it out and vote for Sidney! Strike a blow for rad dog based artwork!

...Scott's wife Jillian has written a new book that will be out in the spring, and she has a new website up fo it now: "Some Girls: My Life in a Harem". Note that her blog has changed URLs, heres the new link!

...info coming next week - some more weezer gigs in January including a very special TV appearance!

...upcoming TV:

* Weezer will be hosting Mtv2's Subterranean show - UPDATE - NEW TIME: WEEZER Subterranean Hosting will now run on 12/13. Air date: Sunday Night (Monday Morning) December 13th 2:00 A.M. E.S.T.

* UNKNOWN airdate - Weezer performing a cool song about bugs while in bug costumes, on the Yo Gabba Gabba show! Airtime TBA.

...We're excited to offer you this exclusive t-shirt brought to you by MySpace Music and Shockhound. Supplies are limited, so click the image below to get your shirt now! NOTE this offer now includes a free bonus vinyl 7" featuring "(If you're wondering it I want you to), I want you to" b/w "the exclusive 7" track "I Woke Up In Love This Morning"!