Karl's Corner - 12/09/2012

From Weezerpedia

2012/12/09 Happy Birthday Brian Bell! ||| more

Happy Birthday to Brian Bell! Brian, keep rocking the guitar, keyboards, vocals, and fine dresswear the way you do. Brian Bell: where rock collides with fashion, and both emerge victorious.

...Hey, folks - You may have seen a year or so ago that '92-'98 weez bassman and Rentals leader Matt put out a new Rentals album called "Songs About Time". However this was only available as a super deluxe limited box set, so not many people had the chance to check it out. Well Matt says the leftover parts of that set are now available for individual purchase in a special sale. So you can get just the cd's, or just the vinyl, or the dvd, etc. Theres some really cool music, artsy video, and even a fancy book of Matt's photography, all at down to earth prices in various packages. Way more details here: http://kingsroadmerch.com/the-rentals/