Pinkerton Dayton Daily News record review

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Pinkerton cover
Studio album by Weezer
Released September 24, 1996
Professional reviews

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Metascore 100
Reviewer: Ray Marcano (Dayton Daily News)
Publishing date: October 11, 1996
Rating: 1/5
1/5 stars1/5 stars1/5 stars1/5 stars1/5 stars (1/5)

Hey boys and girls, can you say "one-hit wonders?" If so, then follow it with Weezer. The band's second release, Pinkerton (DGC) clearly shows Weezer is headed to the graveyard of forgettable bands. Pinkerton is 10 loud, grating songs that are supposed to pass as rock, but sound like trains going over rusty tracks. Three of the four band members say they do "vocals," but it's hard to tell, with the off-key, sometimes out-of-range wailing. This follow-up is a tremendous disappointment, consider the hit the Weezers are best known for, "Buddy Holly", was catchy and its video unique. But not this time. Pinkerton fails miserably.

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