Raditude Rolling Stone record review

From Weezerpedia
Raditude cover
Studio album by Weezer
Released October 28, 2009 (Japan)
October 30, 2009 (Int.)
November 3, 2009 (USA)
Professional reviews

Metascore 57
Reviewer: Rob Sheffield (Rolling Stone)
Publishing date: November 2, 2009
Rating: 3.5/5
3.5/5 stars3.5/5 stars3.5/5 stars3.5/5 stars3.5/5 stars (3.5/5)

Do you think Rivers Cuomo ever gets tired of pissing people off? Check that album title again. The fact that he’s willing to slap a title like Raditude on his work shows that when it comes to taunting and baiting the crowd, Cuomo makes every other rock star out there look like a dilettante. Ever since he attracted the obsessive Weezer cult with Pinkerton, he’s inspired wildly hyperbolic reactions to his every move. So to a casual fan, each Weezer album sounds pretty great, and each Weezer album sounds exactly like the last one. But to a true Weezer cultist, each is a shameful betrayal of everything “El Scorcho” stood for. Which was what, exactly?

Raditude is full of gloriously cheesy Weezer tunes, led by the ridonk geek-love anthem “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To.” He teams up with Jermaine Dupri and Lil Wayne for the hilarious “Can’t Stop Partying,” and he veers into dance-pop production with Dr. Luke for “I’m Your Daddy,” wowing the ladies with his moonwalk moves and cheese fondue. His willingness to make fun of his psychosexual damage only makes it more poignant. The not-quite-ironic melancholy of “Can’t Stop Partying” may reflect a uniquely twisted relationship with his twisted audience. But from the sound of Raditude, Cuomo savors every minute of it.

— Rob Sheffield, November 2, 2009

See also

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