Riverpedia archive - 02/26/2021

From Weezerpedia

MRN 2.0

8: some improvements to the chat.
smaller font.
autoscroll button doesn't turn off yet.
tried to change the jitsi package configuration for better sound.
app launcher icon.

// Disables all audio processing let disableAP = true;

// Disables Acoustic Echo Cancellation let disableAEC = true;

// Disables Noise Suppression let disableNS = true;

// Disables Automatic Gain Control let disableAGC = true;

// Disables Highpass Filter let disableHPF = true;

//Stereo audio let stereo = true;

In URL form, these options can be appended to the room name in the form of "config.optionname=true". A readymade URL would end in: RoomName#config.disableAP=true&config.disableAEC=true&config.disableNS=true&config.disableAGC=true&config.disableHPF=true&config.stereo=true

The Flutter plugin accepts additional options in the form of feature flags when defining _joinMeeting(). However, these feature flags seem to be lacking the above options regarding audio quality. It might be better to move to a different platform altogether.

Jitsi Meet Flutter Plug-in

Jitsi Meet Flutter Plug-in Feature Flags

Jitsi Global Feature Flag Repository

Zoom Plug-in for Flutter

Web App

Here is the first URL for the site for the development of MRN 2.0. This will hopefully turn into an android/ios/web app. There is now a rudimentary chat app there. A few points of caution:

  • 2.0 is not yet connected to your 1.0 account.
  • Your email address might be visible to everyone.
  • There is a 90% chance that your 2.0 account will not persist for long.
  • Any messages or other work you create there will be lost.

Android App

riverTube Android test app is available to the first 100 members of MRN 2.0 who provided a valid email address. As we move through the various testing phases, we'll be able to add more users. Once added to the list, you’ll log in for the test app using the same email address you used to register for your MRN 2.0 account.

Please share your crash data with me if you can. More info

Note, it’s easier to access and download the test app from Google Play if you register for MRN 2.0 with your gmail account. The trials are available only to Android at this time. See below about iOS app development.

iOS App

Unfortunately, we won't be able to deploy the app to Apple's App store from my Windows computer. I'll have to figure out how to deploy it from a Mac.

Further Reading:

( Last edited by gracz at February 26, 2021 9:26 PM )

Mr. Rivers' Neighborhood

// Disables all audio processing let disableAP = true;

// Disables Acoustic Echo Cancellation let disableAEC = true;

// Disables Noise Suppression let disableNS = true;

// Disables Automatic Gain Control let disableAGC = true;

// Disables Highpass Filter let disableHPF = true;

//Stereo audio let stereo = true;

In URL form, these options can be appended to the room name in the form of "config.optionname=true". A readymade URL would end in: RoomName#config.disableAP=true&config.disableAEC=true&config.disableNS=true&config.disableAGC=true&config.disableHPF=true&config.stereo=true


Once I’ve indicated that new users have been added, you’ll access the riverTube Android test app and log in using the same email address you used to register for your MRN 2.0 account.

Note, it’s easier to access and download the test app from Google Play if you register for MRN 2.0 with your gmail account. The trials are available only to Android at this time. See below about iOS app development.

riverTube Android test app is available to the first 100 members of 2.0 who provided a valid email address. As we moving through the various testing phases, we'll be able to add more users.

Please share your crash data with me if you can. More info

Unfortunately, we won't be able to deploy the app to Apple's App store from my Windows computer. I'll have to figure out how to deploy it from a Mac.

Here is the first URL for the site for the development of MRN 2.0 . This will hopefully turn into an android/ios/web app.

There is now a rudimentary chat app there. A few points of caution: 2.0 is not yet connected to your 1.0 account. your email address will be visible to everyone. There is a 99% chance that your 2.0 account will not persist for long. Any messages or other work you create there will be lost.

Thanks to all the HTML/CSS heroes who are helping with everyone's account pages. The pages are beautiful and interesting.

Right now I mostly need help with rating the demos, which can be done in the player or the playlist on the chat page.

There are some common features I don't plan to implement, such as likes, followers, visit counters, private messages, and friends.

See also:
Profile Pages
Riverpedia, aka The Library
The Market
Song List, a list of all songs in The Market.
MRN 2.0

Further Reading:

( Last edited by gracz at February 26, 2021 8:36 PM )