Riverpedia archive - 08/28/2021

From Weezerpedia


Botch - my dad gave me this because the sound made me laugh as a baby.

Coach - born from the chaos of Riverchat.

Riv - Petra used to call me that.

RivDawg - a current nickname.

Rivolino - my parents used to call me this.

Rivwanda - a nickname the Weezer guys tried but it didn’t stick.

Sweet River Baines - a nickname from an SNL skit with Michael Jordan that my friends tried after it aired.

Weezer - my dad called me this because of my asthma.

Nicknames I have for others

Budouski - that's my nickname for Leo. Because he likes grapes.

Doot-doo - When I was a toddler, I called my paternal grandfather Anthony, who was a cobbler, "doot-doo" after the sound of his hammer, working on the shoes. And we all called him that thereafter.

Further Reading:

Frank Cuomo
My dad's nicknames for people and things

( Last edited by TragicGurl at 2021-08-28T19:16:21Z)