Riverpedia archive - 09/10/2020

From Weezerpedia

1972-04-04 Steve to Mom & Hank

The weather here is moving very slowly in the direction of spring, but the change is hard to realize with most of us here down with colds. Still we continue, and Frank and I hope to turn the soil for a garden this week. We plan on vegetables like beans, carrots, parsley, collards, squash, also sunflowers (for the seeds), some herbs like basil, chives, thyme, spearmint. inside beverly has already planted pansies and choleus, she also has seeds for morning glories along the backyard fence. this past week we’ve been working on some furniture – refinishing a rocking chair and kitchen chair, and building a table for the living room. also some shelves and cabinets to make yet, and stain (French Walnut). the spring break for the Center is over, and the group is reforming again. there are 20 members now (grown from the 3 when I arrived) and the Center has designated us the Rochester Affiliate Group. We have a new title but no word yet on being accepted as members. We are becoming stronger though and patient in this all. our group had a pot-luck dinner last week for the residents and staff members at the Center who allowed us to sit during the break. frank made a soup, I made a bread, bev threw in a fine spread and some sprouts…there was a lot of food! more than enough for forty people.

Further Reading:
Frank Cuomo
Beverly Shoenberger

( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-09-10 16:02 PM utc )


Kyoko Ito. My wife. Met her at The Middle East Downstairs then at TT & The Bears in Cambridge, Massachusetts in November, 1997.

Her father is Harutoshi. Mother is Kimiko. Sister is Yorkiko.

She's from Kumamoto, Japan. About a 2 hour flight from Tokyo.

She went to Junior College in Nagasaki Women's college. Santa Monica City College. Then graduated from UCLA with a degree in design.

( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-09-10 08:44 AM utc )