Weezer concert: 07/28/2011

From Weezerpedia

Set list

  1. "Sweat Leaf" (Weezer & The Flaming Lips)
    1. "Worm Mountain"
    2. "Silver Trembling Hands"
    3. "Yeah Yeah Yeah Song"
      1. "Hash Pipe"
      2. "El Scorcho"
      3. "Perfect Situation"
        1. "Is David Bowie Dying?"
        2. "See the Leaves"
        3. "Lazer Hands"
          1. "My Name Is Jonas"
          2. "Susanne"
          3. "The Good Life"
            1. "Yoshimi"
            2. "Pompeii"
            3. "Ego's Last Stand"
              1. "Island In The Sun"
              2. "You Gave Your Love to Me Softly"
              3. "Paranoid Android" (Radiohead cover)
                1. "What Is The Light?"
                2. "The Observer"
                  1. "Pork and Beans"
                  2. "Tired Of Sex"
                  3. "Say It Ain't So"
                  4. "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To"
                    1. "Race For The Prize"
                    2. "Do You Realize?"
                      1. "Buddy Holly"
                      2. "Only in Dreams"
                      3. Encore
                        1. "She Don't Use Jelly" (Weezer & The Flaming Lips)
                        2. "Undone - The Sweater Song" (Weezer & The Flaming Lips)

                        3. See also