Jimmy McFarlane

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"Jimmy McFarlane"
Jimmy McFarlane cover
Demo by Rivers Cuomo
Album Alone VI: The Black Room
Recorded 1999
Writer(s) Rivers Cuomo
RC# 383
COR# 80
Status Demo released
Rivers Cuomo song chronology
"High Time"
(RC# 382)
"Jimmy McFarlane"
(RC# 383)
"In the Night"
(RC# 384)

This song is part of the song lineage of Catalog O' Riffs entry #080

"Jimmy McFarlane" is a demo by Rivers Cuomo.



"Jimmy McFarlane" was written by Rivers Cuomo while living at an apartment on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles in 1999. It shares a Catalog O' Riffs number with "In the Night", written around the same period. The song was among hundreds of Cuomo's demos leaked through the demo storefront on riverscuomo.com on November 7, 2020. The song was made available for purchase a few weeks later on November 22 as part of the digital compilation Alone VI: The Black Room.


Jimmy came back home from Boston
He had a suitcase in his hand
The kind you take for trips you're lost on
Or when you're playing in a band

He told his mama
He told her right
He told her everything and
She just smiled

Jimmy came back home, he quarreled
With everybody in his path
He said it's easy if you listen
But no one cares, so they just laugh

He told his mama
He told her right
He told her everything and
She just smiled

Known recordings

Performer(s) Title Filename Date of recording Recording location Length Appeared on Notes
Rivers Cuomo Jimmy McFarlane 080a Jimmy McFarlan 2.mp3 1999 2:22 Alone VI: The Black Room
about this table

See Also