Live2PlayNetwork interview with Jose Galvez - November 2013

From Weezerpedia

Original article (archived by Wayback Machine):

Posted by GuitarGuyTim | Nov 1, 2013

Live2PlayNetworks’s “GuitarGuy” Tim sat down with Jose Galvez, guitarist of the band Ozma, to discuss the recording of their 5th album and their upcoming excursion on the 2014 Weezer Cruise.

L2P: Jose, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Recently, Ozma announced that you are funding your upcoming 5th album using PledgeMusic. How did the band came up with the idea of using PledgeMusic?

Jose: A lot of bands in our same boat were doing the same thing. We figure why not give it a shot. We don’t have a label, so this was the only way to get this album funded. It seemed to have worked for a lot of our friends who are in bands.

L2P: How long has the pledge been up and how close are you to your goal?

Jose: PledgeMusic has been launched 12 days and we’ve reached 80% of our goal! It’s quite remarkable.

L2P: Wow, that is really impressive. Ozma has an incredibly dedicated fan base, why do you think your fans are so loyal?

Jose: I’m not exactly sure why we lucked out so hard with our amazing fans, but for some reason the music we make resonates on a deeper level with those that get what we’re about.

L2P: With song references to things like Nintendo, Back to the Future, and Natalie Portman it’s hard to not love what you guys do. So, have you already written the majority of the material for your 5th album, or do you plan on working out most of the songs in studio?

Jose: We’ve spent the last year writing off and on, so about 90% of the album is completed ideas. We are leaving some room for studio experimentation, but this approach for our 5th album is slightly different in that we’re doing most of our work in pre-production rather than noodling in the studio.

L2P: How does the material on the new album compare to your past albums? Is it similar, or should we expect an entirely new direction?

Jose: We’re kind of going back to our roots. The last 2 Ozma records were long and almost drawn-out endeavors. I think we spent too much time in the studio for those records making everything perfect. Rock and Roll Part 3 was done in less than a month and the Double Donkey Disc was recorded in about 6 weeks. I feel those 2 albums have a general energy… life to them that the last 2 records lack. So, on this record we’re going to be less precise and we’re looking to capture more of a human live quality.

L2P: When can we expect to hear the new album?

Jose: Late February is our goal.

L2P: Do you mind if we talk about your upcoming voyage on the Weezer Cruise for a minute? In addition to both Weezer Cruises, you have toured with Weezer several times. Can you tell us a little about your relationship with the band?

Jose: The relationship with Weezer over the years has mutated in countless, awesome ways. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them, their help and support. Daniel (Bass/Vocals) and I started out in the Weezer fan club. Later down the road through many fortunate events, somehow we were led to opening for Weezer which lead to opening for them on many occasions. To date, some members of Ozma have teamed up with Weezer for various projects, whether it be writing or helping with rehearsals. An awesome bi-product of all of this is that Ryen (Vocals/Guitar) and I are incredibly close to Matt Sharp whom we see on a weekly basis.

L2P: That is incredibly cool. Your music seems to fit great with Weezer and The Rentals. Just in closing, do you have any advice for musicians how are just getting started?

Jose: Work hard and have fun.

L2P: Thanks again Jose for taking the time to talk with us. To help fund Ozma’s latest project, click here. FYI, I already donated!

To keep up with Ozma, you can find them on Facebook and Twitter, and if you want to hear some great music in the tropics this coming February, check out the Weezer Cruise here.

New to Ozma, all of their albums are available on Amazon, iTunes and Google Music. My recommendation, start at the beginning with Rock and Roll Part 3. I am also very partial to Pasadena.

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