Riverpedia archive - 08/26/2021
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A planned series of four albums (8 songs apiece, totaling 32 songs), set for release on the first day of each season of 2022.
July 9, 2021 - Interesting convo with JD. SZNS may not come out as I originally envisioned but cool nonetheless.
August 25, 2021 - JD heard all of SZNS. He said his fav was Fall, which surprised him, he thought it would be his least fav. I was surprised too, but now that I look at it again, it is pretty immediately likeable. It's more uptempo. His fav track off of it is What Happens After You. I also just shipped off my SZNS PowerPoint to everyone.
I think it's going to be five songers digitally at first. Vinyl will have all eight songs each.
You guys are going to have hundreds of demos for each song on SZNS. Documenting each step of the writing process. I've learned so much writing this album.
There are hardly any co-writes on SZNS.
Each album will feature a specific emotion and musical genre, and musical themes from Vivaldi's 'Le quattro stagioni' will appear throughout.
SZNS starts out fully Pagan-Narnia in Spring, and ends up crushingly Christian in Winter (increasingly Old and New Testament into Fall and Winter).
I'm reading it [Ulysses] over and over until I'm done with seasons. Ulysses is one of the most influential works of art of the 20th Century. But I'm not mining it for specific quotes. More for techniques of composition and just general inspiration. It's pretty mind opening. He did things no one ever thought to do in literature before. Also I'm inspired by how he wanted to make an extremely difficult work of art (I mean difficult to understand).
• Spring (March 20, 2022): Happy Chill; acoustic & breezy; inspired by Island In The Sun.
• Summer (June 20, 2022): Youthful Indignation; crunchy beach boys; will be perceived as more "Classic Weezer.”
• Fall (Sept 22, 2022): Anxiety, Fear; dance-rock; inspired by Franz Ferdinand’s Take Me Out and the Strokes.
• Winter (Dec 21, 2022): Sadness, grief over loss; sad-acoustic 90's singer/songwriter Elliott Smith.
Each Season will have a co-producer we've never worked with before, in addition to Jake (big picture) and Suzy (vocals).
SZNS will be the opposite of quarantine recording, as we plan to record with all musicians playing together in the same room with Jake’s version of The Wrecking Crew. We’ll also be working with Rob Mathes (LA Phil conductor we worked with on OKH) and his friends. The recording session will be in September after the Hella Mega tour.
My first deadline for SZNS is Friday, May 28, 2021.
There’s a song on SZNS about the pilot of the Goodyear Blimp, although the specific season remains unspecified.
The opening song of SZNS is a tribute to Shakespeare, called Opening Night.
Maybe Fall is written from the perspective of an anxious android.
The verse from Hello, Concubine is currently being used as the verse for Basketball.
"Under the bleachers
Hiding for an hour
Coach is looking for me
Cuz his job is to empower"
I’m happy that I worked the word 'triclinium' into Summer’s Cuomoville.
I’ve also mentioned possible lyrics for The Opposite Of Me (also on Summer). “Somebody's so relatable you feel as if they're your best friend. And when they begin to make a speech you wish that it would never end.”
Wow the Dead Sea Scrolls are pretty cool, I came across it while doing research for Angels on Vacation. It's on Spring. Gabriel and Michael take a vacay from heaven, come down to earth, Disney World etc. Halos off, baby.
Other songs in contention for SZNS:
Opening Night
Good Morning
Angels on Vacation
Get Off on the Pain
Don't Give Up
The Opposite Of Me
Monday Night Football
What Happens After You
I Want a Dog
Tastes Like Pain
( Last edited by TragicGurl at 2021-08-26T05:56:02Z)
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