Riverpedia archive - 09/12/2020
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1972-03-07 Steve to Mom & Hank
Things are going smoothly in the new home with beverly and her two sons – Rivers 1 ½ yrs. Leaves 6 mos. They are quite a pair. Rivers especially is using a few words now – all Steves are Dudy, Daves are Aya. Dave is living here too since he joined the sitting group in January. At present it is a joy to live her, we have sittings in the morning, Dave is working now so I’m helping out around the house with beverly – doing daily chores like cleaning, laundry, repairs, bread-making, dishes, watching the kids. Bev does all the cooking. What a nice change! Frank (bev’s husband) has just gone to the East Coast for a week. When he gets back there may be talk about fixing up rooms in the attic where I am sleeping, and starting a garden out back. Economically it’s good (65 a month – room & board) peacefully it’s fine – we all live the same way.
The Center is letting us come to sit mornings and evenings in March. That’s when there is a sort of spring recess – some members may go off to the mountains or desert during this break I’m told. But the outlook for membership grows brighter. All Center memberships are up for review and any openings that appear are passed on to our group with first priority.
Further Reading:
Frank Cuomo
Beverly Shoenberger
( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-09-12 14:12 PM utc )
1972-05-14 Steve to Mom & Hank
"Now, this impression that I was suffering from “severe depression” does not seem to fit my state of mind while home. And the answer that our life styles are “totally different” isn’t quiet accurate either. If my eyes seem sunken or my body’s not looking so healthy, in part it’s because my diet is changing and also my pattern of exercise, and I still have not adjusted to a regular pattern of eating, working, exercise, sleeping, etc. it’s coming but I’m not there yet. I don’t have all the energy I’d like yet, but it will work out, it’s being worked out now, so don’t worry. The body changes at a slow pace I think, and it’s not wise to go too fast nor too slow. So I’m working on finding the right speed. If my eyes are half-shut and I seem vacant at times, it’s just that this is part of the practice I’m doing. It’s easier to stay relaxed and still keep the mind at a state of attention or awareness if the eyes aren’t darting all about, and the body is not running around wasting energy. There’s a lot to do with conservation and energy here, doing just what you have to do, using just as much energy as needed for each action. That way it’s easier to stay calm and be at ease with your daily life. And that’s what I’m trying to do here, in one sense, so it’s nothing far out, or mystical, or severe. I like what I’m doing here, and I love you both very much, and I appreciate your concern. Zen and Buddhism are not deeply entrenched in our culture here, so it is hard to understand at first what it’s all about. that’s why I find it necessary to have a teacher now, to help me understand and put to use in daily life the instruction which is available. While I’m learning it may seem as though I’m “far away”, but don’t be distressed, as this is only temporary, for me to work out, and is by no means an end result or permanent condition!
Things are fine here, weather is warming up again, we are fertilizing the garden today. We have had visitors here this past week and some minor excitement when one of the children (Rivers) dumped coffee on his hand and received a burn."
Further Reading:
Steve Kitts
( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-09-12 14:17 PM utc )
Suzy Shinn
Producer for Van Weezer, vocal producer for Teal and engineer for White. Half korean. From kansas. Went to Berklee School of music in boston. Has a very cool dog called Jack.
( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-09-12 18:03 PM utc )
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