Riverpedia archive - 11/10/2020

From Weezerpedia


I'm trying to get the store up and running today before I go to the studio. I just went through all the files to remove any remaining demos that had other people on them. I also added more metadata tags and reduced the price of the more expensive demos. Now I'll try to fix the part of the program that emails you the demos.

I'm happy the site is running more smoothly at the moment.

PREVIOUS: Hey guys, this has been a tough few days for me.

I'm hurt that someone downloaded and distributed the demos. I wish everyone would help me when I make mistakes in my code, rather than take advantage of me.

On top of that, many parts of the site are broken right now and I haven't been able to fix them in spite of long hours of work. I hope that at least the chat app is working now so we can keep the good times rolling. I'll be in a Weezer session today but I will start work again first thing tomorrow morning.

To those of you who bought demos anyway, I'm moved and grateful. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without fans like you.

I'm sorry that I sent you the wrong files. (That's one of the parts of the site that is broken right now.) I will send the correct files by tomorrow even if Kyoko and I have to mail them all by hand.

Please continue to use gentle language on Riverchat even when you feel harshness is justified.



( Last edited by Rivers at 2020-11-10 14:07 PM utc )