Riverpedia archive - 11/13/2020

From Weezerpedia

Coach Cuomo

An irreverent, fictional take on me from Riverchatters. They like to make up stories about me being a depraved high school gym teacher and coach. Think Bad Santa meets Coach Carter with a splash of Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle Rico.

This running gag happened after chatters saw my long hair, headband, clipboard, and mustache during a Tiktok live. Some other alleged attributes of my alter ego include a whistle, extra short gym shorts, tube socks, and a penchant for stretching. Groovy. As chatter Evagenline coined, "Squad's out, quads out."

The chatters claim I like to make them run laps and always talk about how I could've gone pro, instead of playing at Bennigan's on the weekends. Reportedly fired from last school due to inappropriate conduct. Can be found during my breaks smoking and/or drinking in the school parking lot outside my van with a "Van Weezer" spray painted design on the side.

Here's some examples of what my alter ego looks like:

( Last edited by Olivia at 2020-11-13 06:10 AM utc )

Let's Write A Sawng

Back in March of 2008, with the Democratic and collaborative efforts of the Red album in mind, I turn that concept toward the fans. Similar to my thinking and approach with the Hootenanny's of 2008, “they can all play instruments/Weezer songs and write songs too.”

It came to be on March 19, 2008 after I posted a link to Step 1 and 2 on YouTube and MySpace. The concept morphed and changed over the next 8 months across many videos and 16 steps. Ultimately the final version of the song, titled “Turning Up the Radio,” didn’t make Raditude after sending it to the wolves. However it did find a place on Weezer’s Death to False Metal in 2010. In all the song featured co-writes with 16 fans. A. Rob Carballo, Paul Dutton, Nishant Thakur, Daniel James Kelsch, Justin Vail, Taylor Morden, Reshad Malik, Daniel Powell, Sam Mitchell, Lauren Sonder, Mike Danger, Kingsley Vanata, Joshua Godinez, Patrick Gannon, Ryan Wiesbrock, and Cameron L. Maris. Production was done heavily with Taylor Morden laying most of the ground work.

Watch Let’s Write a Sawng series on YouTube

( Last edited by M3D at 2020-11-13 03:22 AM utc )