Karl's Corner - 01/19/2010

From Weezerpedia

01/19/10 To Tallahassee we go

01/19/10 To Tallahassee we go

People, tommorrow at the TMobile FSU show we will be rolling video on everything, capturing footage to use in the upcoming "I'm Your Daddy" video! And we will be looking for Weezer Fans to do what Weezer Fans do - get stoked, get creative, get crazy - what will you do? make signs? wear costumes? spell out weezer with your bodies? make human pyramids? We dont know - but we havent been to Florida in a long time, and we've NEVER been to FSU before - so WHATS THE BEST THING YOU GOT? We'll be filming it!

Get your ticket to see tomorrow's FSU show in Tallahassee!

...We had an interesting adventure tonight in Tallahassee, called "searching for food after 11 PM". Not easy! After a lot of walking around going from red herring to red herring ("oh, no, you were misinformed, we stop serving food at 11", or "oh, no, this club has no food, it is rather a vortex of hellish nightlife, replete with Crazytown's "Butterfly" playing at 140 decibels and overpriced bad beer"), and then cabbing around with similar poor results, we finally struck gold at the 4th Quarter, serving food till 2, which oddly had over 25 TVs full of sports, yet a perfectly decent bar food menu with surprising variety, including tasty homemade potato chips hot and fresh out of the deep fryer.

...In historical news, no joke - a real ancestor of Pat Wilson, and the dude signed the Declaration of Independence!

...todays photo courtesy Mike J., whose cat Coco demonstrates one of the many benefits of the Weezer Snuggie.