
Super-Chrono is the name of an extensively detailed chronology of Weezer's band history and a collection of current updates written by Karl Koch. Its first incarnation, simply titled "Chronology", was made available on in late 1998. In 2002 the old "Chronology" was completely redesigned, updated and finally retitled "Super-Chrono" for a new release on the band's official website From then until 2005, when transferred to Geffen's servers and the Make Believe era design, the Super-Chrono was accessible via the info section of the site.
Up to three different categories are used on each page:
"Karl's Corner": all original news posts from written by Karl Koch. Everything is presented exactly as it originally was (no editing, corrections etc.).
"Historic Events": all original Super-Chrono articles from written by Karl Koch. Also included are "Today in Weezer history" posts from the band's official social media accounts. Additions, corrections etc., have and will me bade by Karl Koch only.
"Weezer concerts": all Weezer concerts (in some cases 'Goat Punishment' or 'Rivers Cuomo concerts'). Unlike the two categories above, the concert pages are all user created.
These pages are an attempt to mirror the original Super-Chrono, as it was presented on up until 2005, as closely as possible. Additions and/or corrections have and will be made though.
- 1965-1990: Ancient history
- 1991: Pre-Weezer
- 1992: Birth and growing pains, local shows
- 1993: More L.A. shows, making Blue Album
- 1994: Release of Blue Album, real touring!
- 1995: More touring, videos, success
- 1996: Recording + release of Pinkerton, touring
- 1997: More touring, tragedy strikes, R.C. solo
- 1998: Rehearsals, Goat Punishment
- 1999: Quiet year, solo activity
- 2000: Back on the scene!
- 2001: Recording/release of Green Album, touring
- 2002: Recording/release of Maladroit, touring
- 2003: Writing/rehearsing; acoustic sessions
- 2004: Release of Blue Deluxe & VCD DVD; Make Believe rec. sessions
These pages are an attempted continuation of the original Super-Chrono, including Karl's Corner posts from, concerts and historic events.
- 2005: Release of Make Believe; Foozer Tour
- 2006: Hiatus for weddings and etc.
- 2007: Recording sessions for Red Album; Alone I released
- 2008: Red Album released; Hootenanny Tours; rec. sessions for Raditude
- 2009: Recording and Release of Raditude; touring. Alone II released
- 2010: Recording and release of Hurley; DTFM + Pinkerton Deluxe released; touring incl Memories
- 2011: Touring including Memories. Pinkerton Diaries/Alone III released.
- 2012: Weezer Cruise, touring
- 2013: Australasia Tour, more touring
- 2014: Recording and release of EWBAITE. Weezer Cruise II. Fan club reborn
These pages link to the regular year pages, as news and updates were more and more posted on social media during this time.
- 2015: Touring. Release of "Thank God for Girls" and "Do You Wanna Get High?"
- 2016: Recording and release of The White Album. Touring
- 2017: Recording and release of Pacific Daydream. Touring
- 2018: