Looking for a Fight

From Weezerpedia
"Looking for a Fight"
Looking for a Fight cover
Demo by Rivers Cuomo
Album Alone IX: The Make Believe Years
Released November 22, 2020 (Alone IX)
December 30, 2020 (Alone XI)
November 27, 2020 (Alone XII)
Writer(s) Rivers Cuomo
Status Released

This song is part of the "Living in L.A." lineage of songs

"Looking for a Fight" is a song by Rivers Cuomo.



"Looking for Fight" is first known to have been recorded as an acoustic demo by Cuomo on September 7, 2003, at an office space rented by Weezer that year. A recording of the song (possibly the same version) was one of hundreds of demos leaked through the demo storefront on riverscuomo.com on November 7, 2020. The song was formally sold through the store as part of the bundle Alone IX: The Make Believe Years on November 22.

Cuomo later demoed the song in 2011, a recording of which appeared on the compilation Alone XI: The EWBAITE Years. Cuomo revisited the song again in 2015, this time recording new demos based around a sample from the Kanye West song "Black Skinhead". This version was briefly added to the compilation Alone XII: The White Year on November 27, 2020, before being removed a few hours later.

The song later formed the basis for the bridge to the song "Living in L.A.", from The Black Album.


If you wanna test me
Try your best to best me
I'll keep you waiting right here
I will make it so clear
That things at home are screwy
And so I'll watch a movie
And now I'm down to my cups
I'm so glad I got ya'

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight
Alright now
Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight
Alright now

If you want to break me
Try your best to take me
I'll be chewing the fat
What you think about that?
I've been stranded so long
I'm-a take you along
Pain is better than grief
I think you'd have to agree

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight
Alright now

If you want to test me
Try your best to best me
I'll be waiting right here
I will make it so clear
Yeah, I'm your problem

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight

Things at home are screwy
So I watched a movie
Now I'll drink a vodka
I'm so glad I gotcha'
Yeah, I'm your problem

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight

If you want me

If you want to test me
Try your best to best me
I'll be waiting right here
I will make it so clear
You ???

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight

If you want to test me
Try your best to move me
Now I want to drink beer
Glad I caught you
Yeah, what's your deal?

Looking for a fight, looking for a fight
Looking for some action on a Friday night
Looking for a fight, a fight, a fight

Known recordings

Performer(s) Title Filename Date of recording Recording location Length Appeared on Notes
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight 02 Looking For A Fight.mp3 September 7, 2003 2:30 Alone IX: The Make Believe Years
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight looking for a fight 2011.mp3 2011 1:51 Alone XI: The EWBAITE Years
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight Looking For A Fight      3.mp3 2015 3:00 Alone XII: The White Year Added and removed from bundle November 27, 2020
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight Looking For A Fight      4.mp3 2015 3:00 Alone XII: The White Year Added and removed from bundle November 27, 2020
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight Looking For A Fight      5.mp3 2015 3:02 Alone XII: The White Year Added and removed from bundle November 27, 2020
Rivers Cuomo Looking for a Fight Looking For A Fight      6.mp3 2015 3:17 Alone XII: The White Year Added and removed from bundle November 27, 2020
about this table

See also