Historic event: 08/28/1992

From Weezerpedia

weezer show #20: Munchies, Pomona

This show out in Pomona was practically 'out of town' for weezer who had exclusively played Hollywood save for their short road trip up to NorCal to this point. Munchies [possibly a.k.a. "club 319"] held regular indie rock shows for a while, then apparently vanished. Weezer shared the bill with Milton's Cafe, Numb, Dullards, and Crux, a band who would later morph into Skiploader, release 2 albums [one on DGC], then vanish.

setlist: unknown.

the 8/5" x 11" flyer. not sure what band[s] were on "Thick Records".
[click on any photo for a larger size pop-up version]

See also