Karl's Corner - 01/28/2012
2012/01/28 Weezer Cruise Photo Memories
Well our magical 4 days aboard the Carnival Destiny are now just a memory, but luckily, we carried cameras, as did many of you who came on board with us to rock out. Below are 2 photo galleries of pix I shot at the 3 weezer shows, plus some other events, a bit of behind the scenes, Cozumel, and what not. But do not miss the many many more great photos that your fellow weezer.com members are pumping into the photo pages!
Weezerpedia note: this post originally contained two embedded slideshows with 150+ photos. Please visit our gallery to see them.
...here's a NME.com review of the Cruise.
There's more cruise photos and videos cropping up all over the place, so poke around on youtube and facebook and google to see a large amount of fan-created cruise content... for example...
...Jose Galvez from Ozma's pics of the Weezer Cruise 2012.
...Oh and all the photos of the Cruise goers with weezer are available here:
Zenfolio | Will Byington Photography | Weezer Cruise 2012
...Special notice! Scott Shriner's talented wife Jillian Lauren is doing 2 solo "Mother Tounge" shows at The Brick in Williamsburg NY, on Feb 6th and 7th. Info: http://www.jillianlauren.com/category/events/