Weezer concert: 11/07/1992

From Weezerpedia
Weezer concert: 11/07/1992
Venue Club 5092
Location Huntington Beach, CA
Date November 7, 1992
Debuts "Surf Wax America"
Bootleg Partially recorded by Karl Koch, not in circulation
Weezer live show chronology
10/27/1992 - Los Angeles, CA
(Coconut Teaszer)
11/07/1992 - Huntington Beach, CA 11/12/1992 - West Hollywood, CA
(Club Dump)

Weezer performed at Club 5092 in Huntington Beach, CA on November 7, 1992.


No. Song
1 "The World Has Turned and Left Me Here  
2 "No One Else  

Note: this setlist is only partially documented. See historic event section below.

No. Song
1 "Surf Wax America(Live debut)  
2 "My Name is Jonas  
3 "Only in Dreams  
Source: [1]

Historic event

See Historic event: 11/07/1992
The 5092 club looked like a flashy dance disco type 80's club that was trying to reinvent itself for rock bands. Weezer was booked with several other unknown bands, and the show was fairly uneventful, save for the live debut of "Surf Wax America", which they had just tried recording for their 3rd demo tape a few days earlier...

The show was partially bootlegged by karl with a cheap handheld recorder. Also taped was incomplete versions of "the world has turned" and "No One Else", performed at soundcheck.

there are no [known] photos from this show.

- Karl Koch

See also
