Karl's Corner - 02/01/2010

From Weezerpedia

2010/02/01 Happy Birthday to Patrick Wilson!

2010/02/01 Happy Birthday to Patrick Wilson!

...Happy Birthday to Pat, the man for all seasons except possibly winter. As a nice suprise nice birthday gift Pat's Declaration of Independence-signing ancestor James Wilson made the news again, as his early draft of the US Constituion turned up in Philadephia. Pat said "I love it, and it probably belongs to me!" Well... good luck with that one, Pat. Heh heh.

...Rivers did an interview with CapCom's Games Radar podcast. Rivers' part starts at 31:30 into the podcast.


Rivers knows that a balanced breakfast can lead to on stage pushups. And now you know that a balanced, or imbalanced nomination, submitted by YOU, can lead to YOU getting in a weezer music video! In case you didnt know... check it out.

Go to http://www.barelydigital.com/weezercontest and submit your nomination for the funniest music video of 2009. The winner will get to cameo in a Weezer video! For real!

...Weezer Tribute band alert!!
SoCal's once defunct now back Endicott 8 "is having a reunion show/Weezer tribute at Big’s Bar & Grill in Fullerton, CA on Saturday, 2/6/2010 at 10pm. The show will be over two hours, with over 31 Weezer tunes, from all albums! Endicott 8 used to play with Ozma and Rilo Kiley a bit in the OC and LA until we all went off to med/law school and the like. Fortunately, we are looking to rock again. We are dedicating the show to our hopes for complete and full recovery for Sarah & Rivers." -Bill Frazier, Endicott 8

...coming soon! Unreleased weezer song for a special charity! Details will be here on weezer.com!