Karl's Corner - 09/04/2001
9/04/01 Wudan styles
the new island video is here! see the audio video section for viewing!
...in case you missed it in the RWA news, I finished a new video clip and its waiting for you in the Audio Video section. This is the first of either 2 or 3 clips im doing from my footage taken at the Spike Jonze "Island" video shoot. It features Pat doing some Bob Seger, and fun with a big scary bear, so check it out!
...speaking of the new video by Spike, we should have it available for your viewing very soon...we are waiting for the Geffen folks to encode it, which doesnt take too long. Also, some folks have reported seeing the new video on VH1! I think thats a first for weezer: having a new video played on VH1, not as part of some oldies countdown or something. However, it sounds like VH1 is erroneously crediting the director as Marcos Siega, who did the first "Island" video. Hopefully they'll fix that! We havent heard when its supposed to officially premiere on Mtv, but now that the Labor Day weekend is over, perhaps folks will get it in gear...(and welcome back to school, if applicable!)
...we now have a picture of the halftime "weez-formation" by the UC Berkeley Marching Band! check this out:

thanks to fast-thinking Christopher Ying for that one!!
...Remember that report from a few days ago about the Air Guitar championships? Well, to see the winning Air Guitar Champion performance (of "Hash Pipe"!) at this years championships in Finland, simply go here. Thanks, Mika!
...and don't forget: if you missed the Weezer performances on Saturday Night Live back in May, the episode is being repeated this coming Saturday, September 8th.
...Mikey: not in a hospital. (if youre amongst those who have been sending me essays on the horrors of psychiatric facilities, you can stop now. Thanks for the info, though.)