Karl's Corner - 12/24/2010

From Weezerpedia

2010/12/24 Webisode #44: Unlike A G6

...Todays December Daily Weezer Webisode is now up! Weezer Webisode #44 "Unlike A G6". Enjoy! And remember, we're adding a new webisode to yfrog every day from now till xmas! They are all automatically gathered on our yfrog Bloggie player page here.

...here's a Memories review from NYC.

...Rivers self shot video: plays piano and sings The Beach Boy's classic "God Only Knows".

...here's an interview with Brian about his guitars and playing guitar.

...Here's Weezer singing "Happy Birthday" for The American Cancer Society.

...Has anyone stayed in the "Weezer Pink Triangle Suite" in Singapore's Wanderlust Hotel?

...O's B+W footage from SF of Butterfly.

...Weezer's Mirage gig makes a top 10 list.