Karl's Corner - 09/15/2010

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2010/09/15 Burbank, CA: NBC Studio 11: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

We arrived at the NBC Studios about 10:30 AM, and the band was soon on the stage area of the Tonight Show set, running through "Memories" many times as the sound techs and lighting techs got everything squared away. Then it was time for lunch at the fabulous NBC Commissary, where terrific treats and tiny tater tots were toted to our tables and tasted. After that it was time for "Camera Rehearsal", where the band went back to the stage and played the song more times while the Tonight Show camera people sorted out the moves they were going to make as the band performed later.

Then there was a bit of downtime before the band was called into wardrobe and makeup to put the finishing touches on their styles for their date with TV destiny.

Then it was time for the pre-show warm up where the audience filters in as Jay's comedians and assistants warm the crowd up and lay things down. About this time I made my way to the audience so as to see the show in person and not backstage on a tv in the Green Room. So I sacrificed potential hang-out time with affable Ben Affleck for the good of the weez. But some others were not able to restrain themselves, being fully Ben Affleckted. I found myself sitting next to Rivers' mother and step-father, who expressed concern that they were placed too close to the stage and might thus distract Rivers. I assured them that Rivers has a whole new ball game these days, and not to worry about distracting him.

The show went fine, and when Weezer came on they were tight and solid and it sounded rad. Many many weezer fans made it into the studio audience, so the whooping and yelling was great. My only complaint was that upon seeing the show on TV later, I noticed the cameramen either missed, or the editors deliberately chose other shots, of the parts where Rivers jumped high off the drum riser and where he ran over and hugged Jay in mid-song while singing! That was the funniest part of the whole thing to me, and the TV audience was unable to see it. Ah well. Guess that was one toke over the line for the Tonight Show.

Thanks to the weezer gang for my b-day cake and the serenade of 'Happy Birthday' in the dressing room! That was very sweet.

Today we saw the Hurley vinyl LP for the first time in person. It was a limited green vinyl edition, and it looked great!

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