Karl's Corner - 12/26/2000
This article is a mirror of another web page The original text is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20010405082426/http://www.weezer.net/karl/cornerarchive7.htm |
...Happy Holidays, everyone! Well, today was a final day of rehearsal, before the album gets underway tomorrow. After a short holiday break, Ric flew back to L.A. and was very excited with how things were going. The few extra days of rehearsal that the guys took during "vacation week" were "very valuable" according to Rivers, and Ric is pleased with how tight the songs have gotten. I personally just flew in tonight, so there will be no new pics until tomorrow night, after "Third Album Recording Day 1" is completed!
...Thanks to YOUR requests and support, weezer's "The Christmas Song" is getting nice airplay all across the country! So much so, in fact that it debuted at #4 on R&R Magazine's "top 20 artists" chart, above such heavyweights as U2, Rage Against the Machine, and Everlast! This indicates that a lot of stations are playing the song, and thats due in part to you guys! Also, according to the mew CMJ, the Christmas CD was the number 6 most added CD last week for college and non-commercial radio stations. It was added on 22 stations. It beat artists such as Rage Against the Machine (#8), Neil Young (#13) and Southern Culture on the Skids (#16)... I have updated the "fans' news" pages to reflect all the activity of the last few weeks, including a BIG bunch of brand new reports. Keep them coming folks!