Karl's Corner - 10/16/2000

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...trials and tribulations...The guys kicked ass last night, finally whipping the new song into shape for the KROQ xmas cd in time to meet todays deadline... But then we found out today that we were never told that the song *must* be a "christmas song", and that a "regular" song wasnt acceptable. So, we pleaded for a little more time, and Rivers feverishly wrote another new song, this one with a definite winter holiday flavor...and it sounds amazing! ...sorry, I dont know the title yet, its so new that I dont think it even has one! The guys worked out the arrangement and got the basic tracks together in a long all day session today, and plan on whipping it into shape by tomorrow evening, all the while hoping that KROQ will allow for a 24 hour delay from the weez. We expect to turn in the song by tomorrow night. What we dont know is what they will do with it. Were really hoping that the deadline wasnt that strict!