Karl's Corner - 10/29/2000

From Weezerpedia
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The original text is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20010818064331/http://www.weezer.com/karlscorner/archive04-Oct-Nov2000.html

...The work continues at a frantic pace, today even more demos were recorded, and for the 5th day in a row, a brand new song was written, learned by the band, rehearsed, and put down on tape, all in one day! Meanwhile I shot some more video (I hope to have a new clip every day, barring technical difficulties) and installed these crazy clear plexiglass panels in front of the drums, to cut down on their volume to the rest of the room, while keeping the room "open" visually.. We dont want Pat to feel like he's stuck in a closet or anything.......although it will look like he's in a fish tank! heh heh...

...the new clip is finally up, so click here and scroll to the bottom...

...And here is a link to go to Maxim Online and vote for weezer: Click here......and thanks to everyone who wrote and supplied this info!

...I've started a new page, just for links to new weezer articles and reviews. Links page... it will be updated as people (like you) send me any new ones you discover...