Karl's Corner - 01/13/2001
This article is a mirror of another web page The original text is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20010405082426/http://www.weezer.net/karl/cornerarchive7.htm |
...recording day 17...today's sessions were interrupted by a new attack from mother nature: earthquakes! We received two "jolts" late in the afternoon, fortunately neither were serious enough to cut power or knock anything over. I hadnt felt one since '94, but I was on a hardwood floor and distinctly recognized the sensation of everything being lifted up a bit then set down again...sheesh...
...today some unexpected "repair work" was required; Mikey had to fix some bass stuff that sounded a hair out of tune on "Crab". It was meticulous work, matching up micro-tones and such, but it paid off with the song sounding right "in the pocket" in the end. Then Rivers tried recording some alternate takes of the acoustic guitar on "Always", trying some small but important variations on the guitar lines. Then the process of vocal "comping" started, a time consuming process where the various takes of Rivers vocal tracks from yesterday were compared with one another, to determine which is the best one. This process will continue for several days, while at the same time Rivers records the rest of the lead vocal parts on other songs.
...also today, weezer's manager stopped by with some cool info about the weez in 2001! While no details are known at this time , (....and EVERYTHING is dependent on the album being finished in time....), we learned some rough outlines for weezer's upcoming touring, beyond the Yahoo! tour. Once the Yahoo tour is done, there will be a short tour of Europe, that will mostly be for promotion purposes (radio and television stuff, interviews, etc), but should include some shows. From there we go to Japan (dates already posted). After that we will be hitting Australia and New Zealand, before going back to America for more extensive touring. Later in the summer we will be returning to Europe, and England and Ireland for festival dates and some regular shows too. Beyond that its all a blur....but needless to say the band is excited!!!
...Pat's surprise appearance on the Tonight Show (finally) posted! check out the "W.F.O." page for the clip.