Karl's Corner - 06/03/2001
6/03/01 righting wrongs, more radio/video reports from you!
...Today we had to fly back from L.A. to Philadelphia, site of tomorrow's Y-100 "Boxing Match" sonic sessions. This criss crossing the country stuff can kinda wear ya down.... But we can't complain- too much good stuff is going on at once these days, so in the words of some harsh dude in a movie: "you can sleep when yer dead!" And anyway, once we finally got settled in Philadelphia, the rest of the evening was time off. Rivers visited the home studio of our local buddy Jimmy Pop from the Bloodhound Gang, where a lot of music and tech talk ensued.
...the following is a short tale of the scalped $700 tickets turning into free passes for a true fan. A pair of tickets to the boat cruise show in new york had turned up on ebay, and bidding had reached the insane amount of $760. These tickets are supposed to go to winning fans, not someone who just wanted to sell them! So our freinds in the Geffen promotions department did some detective work, and confronted the seller, returning the $250 that the bidder had already sent him, and rendered that set of tickets void. Then they gave FREE PASSES the high bidder (who was so desperate to go see weezer that he had bid $760). So now the seller isn't getting money he shouldn't, the "winner" is going to the show, and no one is paying anyone for the tickets, as it should be.
- Green Album Radio/Video Reports part 11: 6/1+...what YOUR requests are doing...
- (note the reports from 4/10-5/31 have been moved to the Fans' news pages,
- which will be back shortly (if you bookmarked them before I think theyre still accessable...) (and see 5/12 below for part 8, and 5/18 for part 9, 5/31 for part 10)
- Want to request the song from anywhere in the country?
- A fan has set up a handy Radio Station Contact List Page with phone #s and email links to many stations nationwide!
- Green Album Radio/Video Reports part 11: 6/1+...what YOUR requests are doing...
- ...ok, surely the worlds about to end: Hash Pipe is now #6 on TRL!?!?! (Mon 6/4)
- ...Contrary to popular belief, Weezer is indeed popular here in Atlanta, and lately, 99X has been giving 'Hash Pipe' lots of airplay. Just so you know, Atlanta has always had a sizable Weezer following. Hope :::to see you guys soon.
- ...yes just letting you all know that "Hash pipe" is being played a whole lot
- down here in dallas on kdge 102.1 the edge. I believe this to be a very
- phantasmagoric thing seeing as every time i put on the radio "Hash pipe" is
- blasting its way through the radio and hearts of many many loving and
- adoring teens. thank you
- ...yes just letting you all know that "Hash pipe" is being played a whole lot
- ...as of last Friday, the official theme for Rockford High School's Homecoming 2001 (Rockford, MI, near Grand Rapids) is..."Only in Dreams"! Yep, it was almost a unanimous vote too. The song will be played at :::the assembly when the king and queen are annouced and at the dance itself. And I thought Rockford was uncool...
- ...Atlanta area. I keep
- seeing posts saying that nobody is hearing weezer on
- 99x (our area's big 'alternative' station) and I
- wonder if they are actually listening. I'd say that
- while I'm at work and subjected to major market radio,
- I hear "Hash Pipe" approximately 6 times a day. And,
- I'm not by the radio all day. I'm sure it's in heavy
- rotation...and they did pimp the album before it's
- relese. In the past couple of weeks, they've also
- included "Buddy Holly" on their 'House of Retro
- Pleasure' show...which showcases shiny nuggets from
- the eighties and early ninties.
- If people want to email them to request thay play
- OTHER songs from the new record, which would be great,
- they have a website at www.99x.com.
- ...Atlanta area. I keep
- ...Hash Pipe has reached the #2 position on Edge102's 'The New Rock 30 Countdown' as of today (June 1.2001) and is still climbing! It's only below Depeche Mode's new single, but is ahead of U2 (#4), Tool :::(#9), and Radiohead (#11) singles!! Wow! Not only this, but it seems Toronto is gripped in some wicked weezer fever. Fans are doing ridiculous things to get just a pair of weezer tickets for the hooptie show :::hitting Ontario Place! One joker came down to the station's studio and wore nothing but a bright green speedo, and black and white kneesocks and stood on Yonge St (the busiest street in Toronto and the :::longest street in North America!!!) for about 5 hours holding a sign encouraging drivers to honk so he could get the tickets!
- ...Northwest Florida: hash pipe has been getting
- moderate airplay on tk101. one night on the all request niners they played
- hash pipe and buddy holly back to back.
- ...Northwest Florida: hash pipe has been getting
- ...the week before the green album came out
- the radio station i listen to was playing a lot of their songs off of the new
- album. they had a big cd release party where they were selling the cd along
- with 3 other bands for 10 bucks at midnight. they have continued to play i
- believe 3 of the songs off of the album. Salt Lake City and kxrk X96
- ...the week before the green album came out
- ...The Buzz (99.9 fm) plays the song at least once a day. I heard it on that radio station the first time it came out; they're always up to date with the good music, such as Weezer. Also, Chom has played it :::quite a few times.
- ...I just wanted to update you about how Weezer is doing radio wise in
- Philly. Hash Pipe is on constant rotation on Y100. (The only station that plays it.)
- It is also doing very well on the weekly countdown.
- ...I just wanted to update you about how Weezer is doing radio wise in
- ...hey weezer has been #1 on y100's top 25 for a while! incase you didn't know
- (Philadelphia. 100.3 FM)
- ...hey weezer has been #1 on y100's top 25 for a while! incase you didn't know
- ...Seattle: Hash Pipe and Island In The Sun are both on our Top 10 up there. On 107.7 The End. Our Big Alt. Radiostation. Seattle LOVES weezer soooo much.
- ...They just played Island in the Sun on Z104.5 The Edge KMYZ in Tulsa, OK.
- It was during the "New From the Edge" show, where they play upcoming
- singles. It was awesome to hear it on the radio.
- ...They just played Island in the Sun on Z104.5 The Edge KMYZ in Tulsa, OK.
- ...Pittsburgh: Today "Island In the Sun" was played on 105.9 The X's Edge of the X
- which plays new songs every Sunday. I quickly called Lenny, the music
- director and told him how it's been my favorite song since I drove to
- Philly on March 3rd to see Weezer. He said he really liked it too and
- seemed responsive to me suggesting that they add it to their rotation.
- ...Pittsburgh: Today "Island In the Sun" was played on 105.9 The X's Edge of the X
- ..."Hash Pipe" debuted this Saturday (6/2) on Viva 2, the second German music channel. They showed it in an uncensored version and it ROCKED!
- They surely will play it on high rotation since Viva 2 is a more alternative channel and play several =w= songs the last months.
- ..."Hash Pipe" debuted this Saturday (6/2) on Viva 2, the second German music channel. They showed it in an uncensored version and it ROCKED!
- ...Hash pipe is #1 on RTL-Zikweb, a national french radio
- www.zikweb.net oh yeaaaa!!!
- ...Hash pipe is #1 on RTL-Zikweb, a national french radio
- ...managers at Abercrombie & Fitch were asked what songs
- they'd like to hear on June's store CD as a fun question at the end of an
- operations checklist the Monday morning mangager has to complete. This is
- something they've never done before - the four hours of music is compiled by
- an independent company. My answer for the home office: "Anything from the
- new Weezer album. The thing is Abercrombie front to back. Check it if you
- haven't already." June's CD arrived on Friday. Look for "Photograph"
- playing all June at an A&F near you.
- ...managers at Abercrombie & Fitch were asked what songs
- ...K-Rock is a very decent station. In fact, Cane happens to love "Hash Pipe."
- He loves weezer! I should also let you know that Altar Boy (Brian McFayden)
- is no longer Cane's sidekick. Cane's sidekick is a rather large man who goes
- by "Crazy Cabbie." Karl you post good stuff, but get it right.
- ...K-Rock is a very decent station. In fact, Cane happens to love "Hash Pipe."
- ...I'm forwarding you an e-mail reply I received from Leslie Fram, the
- local morning DJ and program director for 99x here in Atlanta. I had read
- the blurb about Weezer not getting much airplay here and I felt the same
- way, so I e-mailed her the blurb from the website and she responded as
- follows: "Shawn, Don't know where you are getting your information but we are playing the
- song every 4 hours."
- ...I'm forwarding you an e-mail reply I received from Leslie Fram, the
- ...Weezer is everywhere in Columbus, Ohio. I literally hear Hash Pipe three
- to four times a day between two stations. Weezer has also been added to
- the rotation on Columbus's heavy metal radio station. I have heard Hash
- Pipe twice on the 9:30 battle of the bands on this station. They went
- against Static X and Tool. They lost both times but the single is played
- a ton here.
- ...Weezer is everywhere in Columbus, Ohio. I literally hear Hash Pipe three
- ...On Friday, May 25th Weezer did in fact beat out Tool for the number one spot on the top 9 at 9. I don't know how they did during the week of 5/27-6/1 because I have started a boycott of Q101 since I got :::screwed out of seeing weezer at the Fireside II skating rink.
- ...my favorite local college radio station, album 88, (Georgia state U., 88.5, WRAS)played simple pages two days ago. the dj said it was the "heaviest, rockiest thing" they had in their rotation, meaning the :::green album.
- ...Just an update on Weezer happenings in Australia. Hash Pipe has dropped two
- places to #6 on Triple J radio's weekly Net 50. Also Island in the Sun is
- getting a lot of radio play. Triple J also played Knock Down, Drag Out the
- other day too. Pretty cool!
- ...Just an update on Weezer happenings in Australia. Hash Pipe has dropped two