Karl's Corner - 06/09/2001
6/9/01: Hooptie Tour Wrap-Up, On to Europe!
Today was our last day in America, and there was SO much to get done before we left. In the midst of this, Pat and Rivers went down to the Much Music studios in downtown Toronto to do a live on-air interview. The studio was totally surrounded by a ravenous hoarde of weezer fans, who were all vying for a chance to see/meet the band. Only a small amount of people are let inside for the filming of these things, and anyone else who wishes to watch must stay outside.
The guys were told the segment would be 30 minutes including the airing of 2 weezer videos. The live interview went very well, and they were then immediately hustled into a closed studio to do a second, private taped interview. Some folks have written in that they were outside and were disappointed that the guys didnt come out to sign autographs, but the Much Music people didnt indicate that there was any time to do that. Many fans who were outside seemed to have the impression that maybe weezer was going to come outsde or something, but Pat and Rivers were never told that this was a possibility.
Also, it seems Much couldn't make up their minds what they wanted weezer to do. At first they asked for a live performance, but didn't deliver a contract for this till the night before, and it was a lame contract that weezer was urged not to sign, as it gave Much rights to the performance footage that were unfair. Coincidentally (and something I was not made aware of till later on), Brian had picked up an ear infection a few days previous, and this had in turn attacked his throat the morning of the Much event. So, while for a little while it looked like the band and Much could work out the differences and do the originally scheduled performance, Brian was just totally unable to perform this day, and felt pretty bad all the way to the airport later on. So the plans were changed into the interview, which turned into the "public" interview, and then the "private" one. In any event, time was terribly limited, unfortunately, and the guys never had any opportunity to meet fans on this day.
After that was wrapped up, everyone packed up back at the hotel, and we headed to the airport. We caught a 10 PM Air Canada flight to London, arriving about 10 AM on the 10th. most of the band got a little sleep on the flight, but not me, I just wasnt tired...and so we began the "Euro Freak Out Tour" 2001!