Karl's Corner - 02/23/2001

From Weezerpedia

Outloud Tour Day 4: Drive/Fly Day, Houston to Ft. Lauderdale

...today the crew and band went in 3 separate groups to Florida. The crew were in bus #1, Pat and I in bus #2, and the rest of the band plus Atom and Gus the tour manager in a plane. (Also there were 3 busloads of Yahoo people somewhere, but I cant keep track of them all...) This was a good day to catch up on paperwork, loose ends and sleep, 3 areas sorely neglected in the rush to finish the album last week. Rivers was happy to get to Florida early, because he wanted to start recording some new demos of some brand new songs he's been writing. Right before we left L.A. I picked out a portable 16 track hard disk recorder for him to do demos on, and he and Atom had a special room at the hotel ready to make some noise. Meanwhile me and Pat were computer geeks on the bus all day (see pic)