Karl's Corner - 07/31/2010
2010/07/31 Columbus, OH: Ohio State Fair
Here we are in the Heartland of America, gearing up to go to the Ohio State Fair. Weezer and state fairs: could a more classic combo exist?
The answer to the above question is a solid "No!" and the evidence was all over today's events. When you have the original Bat-Copter giving rides, a gospel choir singing, a circus sideshow, and people of every shape and size walking the lanes eating every conceivable kind of fair food, well, adding weezer to the scene couldn't be a more perfect fit. For a weezer show has feats of strength, wide variety, profound and wonderful strangeness, and something for almost everybody. The fun was infectious, with people dancing and running around after Rivers like he was the Pied Piper. Read the comments on this post for a taste of the flava from tonight, including a word from Rivers himself!
Tonight's show was opened by Motion City Soundtrack, who also opened up last December's dates. Thanks to them for rocking the fair with us!
Comment here if you went, tell your tale!