Karl's Corner - 03/03/2002
03/03/02 break 'em off somethin'
...today the guys went into the studio to start recording weezer album #5. 2 very new and one somewhat older song were worked on.
...Maladroit Action continues! ...its hard to tell what impact Rivers's "fateful letter" has had on the programming policies of both commercial and college radio stations across the counrty... as can be seen here, even more stations have actually added Maladroit tracks to their playlists, no reports of a station stopping play have come in, and the wave of support seems to be rolling along...
- WRZX 103.3 Indianapolis: "Dope Nose" was on the "Hangover Cafe" show on 3/3.
- wkco 91.9 Gambier, OH: DJ sez: " 'fall together' is the rockingest weezer song ever. got a bunch of calls on my radio show after i played it - everyone loved the direction it's taking..."
- 103.3 The Edge Buffalo, NY: entire (8 song) Maladroit promotion CD was played on the 3/3 "Next Wave" show...DJ said "The band actually sent this to us, so we send it on to you. There's no official release date but it looks like April is the time. We'll keep you updated with any news."
- kwod 106.5 Sacramento, CA: have begun to play "dope nose"
- 100.3 the X Boise ID: had a "Too Much Weezer Weekend." played new maladroit stuff and a lot of b-sides randomly all weekend.
- WOXY 97.7 X , Ohio: added Dope Nose to the playlist!
- WFNX 101.7 Boston: played Dope Nose and Keep Fishin during their "First Contact" program.
- KNLU 91.1 Modern Rock Radio, Monroe, LA: playing "Take Control" ("...about 100 times a day it seems..") plus Dope Nose.
- 94.7 the zone, Chicago: playing Dope Nose. a fan writes: "on 3/2...after the song, the dj was like "2 minutes of that song is not enough, lets hear it again!" and then he just bumped puddle of mudd's "blurry" which he had actually already started to play...and he played dope nose again, so that was 2 times IN A ROW!!..."
...international action!
- Italy: A fan writes: "...here in Europe the promo CD of Dope Nose/Keep Fishin wasn't sent to anyone THEREFORE I gather radio station got hold of the music *all by themselves* and that no letter from Rivers will prevent them from playing the songs: btw, I don't think they check out the site as often as I do, so they won't know about it.... one particular Radio Station (K-rock) got the mp3s (DN and KF) straight from me and is actually playing them from time to time, should I tell them not to? Should I tell them not to *and* why? ...K-Rock covers a relatively big area in Northern Italy, and in that area the radio *rules* in as much as rock music is concerned of course..."